Damian Wayne x reader angst

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Damian Wayne had always been a loner. As the son of Batman, he was born and raised in a world of darkness and solitude. His upbringing molded him into a hardened vigilante, unafraid to take on any challenge that came his way. But deep down, Damian yearned for something more than just fighting crime and saving lives. He longed for connection and companionship, something he never thought he would find.

And then he met her.

(Y/N) was a remarkable individual, her every step radiating kindness and empathy. She had a heart as vast as the universe, always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Damian had never encountered someone like her before, and it both intrigued and scared him. Scared because he knew he had never allowed himself to grow close to anyone, and he was afraid of the pain that would come with caring for someone deeply.

But Damian couldn't resist her magnetic aura. Slowly, day by day, they began to spend more time together. What began as training sessions and late-night conversations about their shared love for justice blossomed into an unbreakable bond. (Y/N) saw through Damian's tough exterior, breaking down the walls he had spent his whole life building.

For the first time in his life, Damian felt understood and truly alive. He discovered joys he never thought possible, like movie nights, laughter, and even simple walks in the park. (Y/N) brought color into his black and white world, unveiling a beautiful existence that Damian never knew existed.

But as fate would have it, happiness can be fleeting.

It was a quiet night in Gotham City when the tragedy struck. Damian and (Y/N) were on patrol, their swords gleaming under the moonlight. They had grown accustomed to fighting side by side, relying on each other's strength and skill to take down the criminals that plagued their city.

As they encountered a particularly dangerous gang, (Y/N) fearlessly jumped into the fray, her determination shining through her eyes. Damian couldn't help but marvel at her bravery. With every move, she exhibited grace and precision, a deadly dance that left her opponents disoriented and defeated.

But amidst the chaos, Damian's heart tightened as he saw a glint of metal being pulled from a thug's belt. His eyes widened in horror as the blade was plunged into (Y/N)'s side, the sound of her pained cry echoing in his ears. He reacted instinctively, unleashing a fury he had never known before, incapacitating the thug that dared harm his beloved.

Damian cradled (Y/N) in his arms, his voice trembled as he desperately pleaded for her to hold on. He begged her to stay with him, to fight and overcome the darkness that threatened to engulf her. But the light in her eyes began to fade as her life slowly slipped away.

"No..." Damian whispered hoarsely, tears streaming down his face. "Please, don't leave me. I can't... I can't bear to lose you."

With her last breath, (Y/N) mustered a weak smile, her hand gently caressing Damian's cheek. "You... you have to remember... the love we shared... it will keep you strong... even when I'm gone."

But Damian couldn't accept her passing. He refused to let her go. In desperation, he clasped his hands together and made a plea to the universe, to any higher power that would listen. He offered his own life in exchange for hers, willing to trade everything for just a few more moments with (Y/N).

Yet, no miracle came.

As the days turned into weeks, the pain of (Y/N)'s loss gnawed at Damian's soul like a relentless beast. Every breath he took felt agonizing, every step forward seemed impossible. An emptiness occupied his heart, a void that couldn't be filled. His world had been shattered, leaving Damian broken and lost.

But even in the depths of such despair, Damian knew that he had to honor (Y/N)'s memory. He had to continue fighting, to protect the innocent, and ensure that her legacy lived on. And so, with a heavy heart, Damian donned his Robin costume once more and vowed to become the guardian that (Y/N) always believed he could be.

As the days turned into years, Damian fought countless battles, all with (Y/N)'s spirit guiding his every move. He lived a life dedicated to justice, carrying her memory in his heart, a constant reminder of the love they once shared. And though the pain never truly faded, Damian found solace in knowing that (Y/N) would forever be part of him, even in death.

In the end, Damian learned that love transcends all boundaries. (Y/N) had taught him the true meaning of connection, and even in her absence, he felt grateful for the time they had shared. Love, like life, is fragile and uncertain. But it is also the most powerful force in the universe, capable of bringing light into even the darkest corners of our existence.

And as Damien Wayne looked up at the night sky, he whispered the name of the woman who had changed his life forever, a name that would forever be etched in his heart.

"(Y/N), my love, I will always remember you."

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