A fr-egg-ndly conversation

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The streets of Gotham were buzzing. Sitting on the ledge of the clock tower, Robin overlooked the darkened city below with a concerned gaze. The buzzing wasn't the same ominous feeling that the vigilante had when he found Danny but the fact that Gotham was feeling off again so soon made him feel on edge. He wasn't the only one that thought it either. Damian could hear his siblings commenting over their comms, so they didn't feel alone. Usually, Robin would grumble at the inane chatter, but he let it go today.

Though he did turn his comms off for the moment. Steph and Tim were talking about something from when they were dating, and Damian did NOT want to hear that. Instead, he focused on his surroundings now that the silence of the night was returned.

Many people were milling about in the streets despite how late it was. It was only a matter of time before something went down. Now, which of the batclan found the problem was the question. There have been several minor skirmishes, but it was in the air. Something was going to go down. Robin's hand idly made its way over to the pocket with Danny's core. The cold pulsed out from the core, and it helped Damian to relax a tiny bit. At least something was normal tonight. Since he received that case from Tim, patrols felt a lot calmer since Robin wasn't afraid of Danny getting hurt by accident. Also, it was waterproof so that the Penguin incident wouldn't happen again.


Robin watched below as a family of four dashed to their car from a local restaurant. The children giggled happily while the parents eyed the dark alleyways in worry. "Tt. What are they doing out so late? It's like they are asking to get jumped." Damian muttered to himself. His eyes were glued on the family. This may be the nicer end of town, but that did not mean it was safe at night. Nowhere was safe at night in Gotham.

Speaking of, the hairs on Robin's neck stood on end as he felt someone come up from behind. No footsteps. No sound. The light of the moon cast its shadow over the young vigilante who was already preparing to take this person down. So when a hand reached out to touch his shoulder, Robin grabbed it and threw the person over his head. Which also meant that he threw the person off the clock tower. However, Damian had his grapple at the ready and aimed it towards the body sailing towards the ground... only to stop and scowl at the laughter that made its way up to him.

Superboy caught himself quickly in the air and laughed at his friend's face. "Man, how do you do that? I've never been able to sneak up on you once! Ah!" Jon laughed as he flew to the side of the grapple hook that Damian shot at him anyway. "Hey now! That's rude! Is that how you greet a friend?" He flew to the ledge and sat next to Robin with one of his signature sunny smiles on his face. "What are you lookin at, Robin?"

Damian put the grapple gun away and situated himself back on the ledge. Trying his best to ignore the smile directed his way. "Just some civilians who seem to want to press their luck tonight." He replied while gesturing to the family, who were now driving off into the night. "Also, I never said you were my friend."

The two boys watched the car drive off, and Jon dramatically fell back against the clock tower wall as if he had been shot. "Robin! How could you say that? I... I thought we were... besties!" When all Superboy received was a scowl and a "Tt.", he laughed again and sat back up. "So we aren't besties, eh? Is that why you brought someone else with you today?"

"What are you talking about?" Damian asked, thoroughly confused as Jon finally got the other boy's attention from the streets below. "I'm the only one here?"

Jon arched a brow at his friend. "Uh... no, you're not? There is someone else right next to you... Are they invisible?" The taller boy leaned toward Damian as if he was listening to something closely. "Actually, not next to you. More like they are on you...." His eyes trailed to Robin's utility belt. "Are you keeping another animal in your pocket again? Didn't you get in trouble that one time you tried to bring kitten Alfred on a mission once? That little guy is vicious, but I don't think he could take common criminals."

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