Sl-egg-h Bells Jingling. Ring-ting-tin-gl-ing too

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I can't believe you are doing this. It's actually happening.

"Yes, and it's rather maddening. When you come up with a better idea let me know. This was the fastest way I could think of to get through the snow." Damian stated with no enthusiasm for what he was doing. He was braced on a rickety old sleigh that Cujo was pulling in his big form. The antler tied to his head grew to match his current size and he was running down the side of the mountain at a very fast pace. Mr. Freeze was approaching the outskirts of the town. They had to get down to Who-ville fast but the distance was too great to go on foot. So sleigh and reindeer dog it was... Honestly, he could have just ridden Cujo like he normally did in his big form... maybe he was having a little bit of fun with it. Despite not wanting to play along with Ghostwriter's plan, they were falling right into it. No wonder Danny hated this guy. Actually, hate was a strong word. The ghost teen seemed to view the other ghost as a huge annoyance more than anything and Damian was completely onboard. Was it possible to end a person a second time?

He loaded some bags and some old empty sacks. On a ramshackle sleigh and he hitched up old Max. Then the Grinch said, "Giddap!"

"Tt. For the love... could you SHUT UP!" Damian called out to the wind knowing full well that the ghost could hear him. Cujo hit a cliff and instead of keeping to the ground he just kept flying. Dragging Damian and the sleigh along with no problem. The boy held onto the reins for dear life as the momentum of the sleigh had begun to fail and they started to fall under Cujo like a dog running around with his leash. Cujo seemed to notice the shift in weight distribution and aimed back down to the ground as they neared the town. "No no no no! Cujo, stop! If you do this it will be quite a drop!"

Damian was ignored as the ghost dog landed on a large snowbank right outside of town. The sleigh pile-drove into the ground with Danny screaming and Damian diving off the sleigh last second to crash land deeply into the snow, about three feet. The boy groaned as he pulled himself out of the crater he made and glared lightly at the massive dog who was looking at him innocently. "Was that really necessary?"

Oh my Ancients, that was legendary.

Danny was having the time of his life at the moment. Damian just rolled his eyes. Brushing the snow off, he stood up and looked at the town. No screams (other than Danny's) tore through the night. Other than the sounds of bells from Christmas decorations, the night was silent. All of the people were fast asleep. Mr. Freeze wasn't one to attack without a plan but in an unknown town, he may be tempted to go all out. Now the main question was... were these Whos real? Was this place just the mall transformed into the town from the Grinch story or were these real people who were in danger? "Danny.... What are Ghostwriter's powers? Is this a new place? Are the people here real or somehow replaced?"

When I was pulled into last year's adventure, I was cursed in real-time. Everyone around me didn't know and they were forced to rhyme. Whenever he wrote a change it affected the town. It didn't stop until long after he was taken down. So this place could be real but I'm unsure. He could have taken us to another dimension or it could be something more.

"So... it's safe to say that the Whos here are real?"

It is possible though it is less than ideal.

So they could be in an elaborate illusion or this place could be real. There wasn't a good way to tell. Everything around them, though they looked odd, felt and appeared to be real. That meant he would have to treat this place as if he were in Gotham. Lovely. Damian unhitched Cujo and then started his trek into town. With the snow everywhere, finding Mr. Freeze wouldn't be that hard. He caught his reflection in a storefront window, growling at how ridiculous he looked. Thankfully, the only green part of his outfit was the pants and his gloves. Damian's face and hair color were normal. No weird makeup to make him look like the Grinch. At least, something was working for him tonight. But this wouldn't do.

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