Eggt's Happening

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"This is a futile endeavor. Batman already knows that you have me and that means it will only be a matter of time before you are found out." Damian glared at the clown prince of crime who was humming away rather joyfully across the room. Somehow, Joker had eluded the entire batclan and managed to get the docks into one of the many lairs that Joker had throughout Gotham. Damian sat tied to a wooden chair in the middle of the room. Irritated and annoyed that he had to play helpless victim to this deranged man who could decide to kill him at any time. A few men in clown masks were wandering about and there were several crates filled with who knew what. Odds were it was weapons, explosives, or Joker gas. Considering what was happening, Damian was willing to bet it was explosives. The clown had a flair for the dramatics and Batman had been ignoring him in lieu of the white-suited agents for the past few months. Joker gets jealous when his rival's attention is elsewhere.

Cold spread out on Damian's chest from Danny's pendant. The ghost had gone silent, which was rather worrying. He hadn't said anything sassy since Joker had nabbed him and there was this feeling... that made his skin crawl. It was a silent type of anger. One that Damian knew rather well since he had been trained to contain his emotions. The kind that simmered and festered until it could no longer be contained. Often exploding in horrible shouting matches or drastic bouts of violence. This was the first time he had ever felt something like this coming off of Danny and it... was unnerving. The ghost boy was normally such a happy, sassy, personality that it felt like he could never hold this kind of feeling within him. Well, Damian was proven wrong.

The worst part was that there wasn't anything that Damian could do. His hands were tied to the chair behind him. If he spoke then he would be noticed immediately. Despite Joker constantly being caught in his schemes, he wasn't someone that you overlooked. He was a master manipulator who was insanely smart. He knew just what to do to push people's buttons to get what he wanted from them. The only one he never truly succeeded with was his Father. Batman. So Damian was stuck hoping Danny wouldn't reveal his powers or abilities but the frost beginning to creep under his shirt was telling him that wasn't going to happen.

Joker laughed as he turned to the boy with a swagger in his step. "Who says that wasn't my plan from the beginning? What is the point of putting on a show if there isn't an audience?" The clown's steps clicked on the cement floor as he approached the youngest of the Waynes with his signature smile on his face. "Batsy has a soft spot for children... You don't have blue eyes but you are a Wayne spawn so that will work just as well." With every step closer the Joker got, the cold crept up further and further. Damian had been wondering why Danny had been acting weird, guess he really didn't like clowns.

Or the Joker.

Probably both.

The goons left the room when Joker snapped his fingers, leaving the murderous clown alone with the child. Damian just kept scowling because there wasn't really much more he could do without giving anything away. "What about the gala? You had a rather large audience there." the boy asked trying to make it so that his slight shivering wasn't noticeable. There was no way in hell that he wanted the Joker to think he was shivering in fear or something like that. The man didn't deserve such an ego boost.

Cackling, Joker put a hand on Damian's shoulder making the young vigilante sneer at the white glove touching him right now. Straightening up in an attempt to dislodge the limb to no avail. "Those rich idiots? They are being entertained. Didn't you hear their laughter as you were running away? They were having a BALL."

Danny practically growled and Damian was so thankful that he was the only one that could hear Danny in any way or else he would have just given himself away. He felt the cold shift to aim for the hand on Damian's shoulder and he twisted it hard so that the hand was thrown off before the ice could get a chance to touch. The shivering could be explained but sudden ice could not. "Then why didn't you stay with them? Surely, they would have wanted an encore performance?" Damian hissed at the man. No, the only thing he could do now was try to get Joker to provide him with information about whatever plan he had. His family was listening in to the comm in his ear. There was no doubt about it. Though it was a little odd he couldn't hear them right now. Normally, someone would have said a reassurance to him by now.

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