Surprising Magnus

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I wrote this for MalecLovely's contest.

Alec's POV

"Mags, come here, please" I called as I lit a couple candles on the table. Everything was finally perfect. 

"Yes, Alexander?" Magnus' eyes drifted to the table and he gasped. "What's all this?" 

"I made us dinner." I poured two glasses of red wine. 

"You... made dinner?" 

"Yeah..." A blush crept up my cheeks.

He smiled at me reassuringly and hesitantly took a bite of my roast chicken. He swallowed and looked at me in complete surprise. "Alec, is this actually good." 

"Why wouldn't it be?" I asked, slightly hurt. 

"Oh, darling, it's just, Izzy—" 

I smiled, "I didn't inherit the inability too cook like Izzy did." 

"I see that. You should teach her how to cook." 

"I tried, once, she almost burnt the institute down."

"Isn't that practically impossible?"

"When Izzy is cooking, anything is possible, but nothing good can come out of it." We both laughed before  into our meal. 

"Oh, there's something else. I almost forgot about it", I said as we were finishing dinner. I got out of my seat and walked into the other room. When I came back, I had a bouquet of flowers behind my back. Magnus stood and smiled at me. I held out the flowers to him. "For you." 

"Oh, Alexander. Dinner, flowers, nobody has ever treated me like this." 

"You deserve it." I cupped Magnus' cheek and wiped away a tear beginning to fall with my thumb. "Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?" 

"No such thing, I'm just so happy I found you, Alec. You're the most amazing boyfriend ever." He stood on his tip toes and kissed my lips. His arms were around my waist, pulling me closer. He pulled away much too soon and took the flowers from my hand, setting them on the table. "Now, you've done way too much for me tonight, so I'm going to teach you to dance." 

"Um, Mags, no, I don't think—I can't..." I stammered. Magnus snapped his fingers and slow music began to drift from the stereo. 

"You can surprise me with an amazing meal and flowers, but dancing freaks you out?" He placed his right hand on my waist and held my hand with his left. 

"I can't dance." 

"That's why I'm going to teach you." We began to slowly sway around the room. I looked down to watch our feet. I cringed as I stepped on Magnus' foot. 

"By the Angel, Magnus, I told you I can't do this!" Magnus took his hand off my waist and lifted my head, forcing me to look at him. He pecked my lips. 

"Just, focus on me, okay? You're doing great, I promise." His hand was on my waist again. We were swaying again. He pulled me closer. I studied his features as he led me in the dance. Soon, I was getting the hang of the movements. In a burst of confidence, I took over the lead and dipped Magnus. He smiled at me at the bottom of the dip. "You continue to surprise me", Magnus said with a smiled as I led him back up. 

"In good ways I hope." 

"Always." He took the lead again and we continued to dance around the dining room.  

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