I Love You

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Lol instead of sleeping the night before the first day of school, I wrote this. I'm starting off the year so well.

Magnus woke up and was surprised to see Alec was still next to him, snoring softly. Usually he was already gone by now. He smiled as the shadowhunter began to wake up. When Magnus tried to stand, he felt Alec's arms tighten around his waist. "Where are you going?" asked Alec.

"I thought you would want to get to the institute. You're usually gone by now."

Alec pulled Magnus back into the bed, "The institute can wait a few more minutes." The shadowhunter's eyes fully opened to see the warlock smiling at him. "What?" Alec reached over and intertwined his fingers with Magnus'. Before Magnus could say anything, Alec's phone vibrated from the side table, making Alec sigh. He rolled over and looked at the phone. "It's Jace. I'm needed for a mission."

"You should go. I'll be here when you get back."

"And if I were to skip it? Say I don't feel good or something?" Alec touched his forehead to Magnus'.

"Your mother already hates me. Don't make it worse." Magnus laughed. Alec got up and went to Magnus' closet, where he had a couple outfits for when he stayed over. He pulled out some previously black, now gray pants and a black sweater with a couple holes in it. "I'll walk you out", Magnus said as he got up and slipped into a silk robe. Alec grabbed his phone and began to walk toward the door.

"I'll see you later" Alec said as he pulled Magnus in for a hug before walking out the door. Magnus sighed. He'd always worried about Alec when he went for a mission. Any mission could be his last. He began to walk back to the bedroom to change when Alec burst through the door again. He pulled Magnus in for a long kiss. "Now I have everything", Alec said, making Magnus giggle.

"Go save the world, Alexander. I'll be here when you get back." Alec walked out of Magnus' apartment once more, this time actually leaving for the institute.

A couple hours passed without any word from Alec. Magnus realized this was completely normal, as Alec was incredibly busy. His thoughts from earlier kept going through his head, though, and made him worry for his boyfriend's safety.

He did tell someone we were together, right? At least Jace. Jace would have to know, because of their parabatai bond. Jace would at least text me if Alec was hurt right?, Magnus thought as he paced around the entryway of his apartment. A few more hours passed without any word from Alec, and Magnus was beginning to worry. He couldn't help it. He loved Alec.

When Alec did finally arrive home that night, Magnus ran to him and embraced him. "What's all this about?" Alec asked, melting against Magnus' touch.

"I couldn't help it. I was worried that you would get hurt or die on the mission. You haven't called or texted all day, and I was scared. I haven't love someone like I love you in a century. I don't want to lose you."

Alec pulled out of the hug, but left his arms around Magnus. "You... love me?"

Magnus' cheeks grew red. He hadn't meant to say that, at least not yet. He wanted Alec to say it first, but it just slipped out. "Yeah, I do. Please don't let it scare you away, though."

Alec smiled, "Mags, why would the fact you love me scare me away?"

"Because, I'm the first person you've dated. You've never been here before, felt the feelings you may be feeling."

"I love you, too Magnus", Alec said.

Magnus looked up into Alec's eyes and smiled. Alec's arms were still around him. Slowly, he leaned in until he felt Alec's lips against his own. After a few minutes, Alec pulled away. "I'm exhausted", he whispered.

"I wouldn't doubt it. You've been gone all day."

"Are you coming to bed?"

"Depends. Are we actually sleeping?" Magnus had a flirtatious tone.

"I might be able to be persuaded otherwise", Alec teased. He gave Magnus one last peck on the lips before guiding him to their bedroom.

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