The Baby Part 2

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Ahh! I'm so excited for Shadowhunters on Tuesday!!

Magnus came home from work. He and Alec thought it would be better for the baby if Magnus didn't meet his clients at home, for the danger it could pose for Max. Today, Alec decided he would stay home with Max while Magnus worked.

When Magnus opened the door, he saw that Alec was half asleep with a bottle in his hand. Max was laying stomach down on Alec's chest. Magnus smiled. He walked in and carefully lifted Max off of Alec. Alec smiled at him sleepily. Max didn't wake up, so Magnus took him and laid him in his crib, kissing his forehead before going back out to Alec.

"He didn't finish his bottle," Alec observed.

"If he wants it, he can have it later," Magnus said.

Alec sat up and held out his arms for Magnus. Magnus gladly sat in his lap and let Alec wrap his arms around him. Alec nuzzled his hair.

"I missed you," Alec whispered.

"I missed you, too. How was Max?"

"I swear he never stops crying. I'd just got him to stop before you came in." Alec ran his fingers up and down Magnus' spine as they talked. Magnus turned so that his legs were on either side of Alec and kissed him.

"I love you," Magnus said.

"I love you, too." Alec's palms were flat on Magnus' back as he pulled him towards himself until their lips met again.

Alec broke the kiss again, "Why don't we go the bedroom?"

Magnus grinned at his suggestion and grabbed Alec's hands to lead him to their bedroom.

Alec flopped on the bed with Magnus on top of him. With Magnus' help, Alec wiggled out of his shirt. Magnus was just taking off Alec's pants when a sharp wail was heard from the nursery.

"He wants the rest of his bottle," Alec said as he started to get up.

Magnus pushed Alec back onto the bed, "You've taken care of him all day, allow me to take this. You stay here, and don't move a muscle." He kissed Alec quickly on the lips before going to his son.

"Shhh, shhh, darling," Magnus said to Max as he lifted him from the crib. He grabbed the bottle from where he left it, thankfully it was still warm. Then he sat in the rocking chair to rock and feed Max.

Once Max finished his bottle, Magnus burped him and checked his diaper. "Now, are you going to go to sleep for Papa?" Magnus asked as he rocked the baby. Max rubbed his eyes and yawned. He quickly fell back to sleep. Magnus placed him back into his crib before rushing back to Alec.

"Alright he finished the bottle and now he's—" Magnus stopped in front of his bed, seeing Alec had fallen asleep. "Sleeping." He finished his sentence with a sigh. He smiled slightly as he carefully removed Alec's pants from where he left them, and pulled the bedcovers from underneath Alec, covering the sleeping shadowhunter. Then Magnus stripped down to his own boxers and crawled into bed next to Alec. Without waking, Alec wrapped his arms around Magnus and sighed heavily.

"Yeah, yeah, love you too," Magnus said into the darkness of the room.

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