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This has dialogue from the song, "Ready as I'll ever Be" from the Tangled series. Also kinda on time this time?

Suggested by: TheDragonThatStayed

Alec sat up in bed as he awoke. He yawned and looked down at Magnus, still sleeping peacefully. Knowing he had to get to the institute, Alec went to get out of bed, but was surprised when Magnus reached out and grabbed him around the waist. 

"Do you have to leave?" Magnus asked, his eyes still closed. 

"You know the answer to that," Alec said with a smile. 

"I don't want you to leave." Magnus tightened his grip on Alec and opened his eyes, letting his glamour fall and reveal his real, cat-like, eyes. 

"I know, Mags."

Magnus sat up with Alec and pulled him in for a soft kiss. Alec smiled against Magnus' lips, making Magnus giggle. He pulled away from Alec and fell back onto the bed, pulling Alec down with him. 

"I wish you could stay home and we'd cuddle all day in bed," Magnus pouted. 

Alec cupped Magnus' face with his hand, "I know, but I gotta go. I'm already going to be late, but we can pick this up tonight when I get home." He pecked Magnus' lips and quickly got dressed. 

"Love you, Magnus," Alec said as he walked out of the bedroom. 

"Love you, too," Magnus yelled back before laying back down in bed and attempting to go back to sleep. 


"Alec! Finally you made it!" Izzy exclaimed when Alec came into the institute. "We've been waiting for you; there's a greater demon we've all be assigned to go after."

"Let me get my bow," Alec responded. 

When Alec got back, now carrying his bow, Clary, Izzy, Jace, and Alec all left to go catch the demon. 


"Alec!" Izzy shrieked as the demon took over Alec while he had a moment of weakness. 

"Dammit!" Jace shouted as Alec gave them an evil grin before running off. They tried to run after him, but he seemed to disappear into thin air. 

"We should go back, regroup, and get help. We can use a tracking rune," Izzy said. Jace and Clary agreed, so they decided to go back to the institute. 


Magnus knew something was wrong. Usually Alec would be home now. He didn't want to seem like the guy who always checked up on his boyfriend, but Magnus could feel in his gut that something wasn't right. He decided to call Alec. The phone rang, but there was no answer. Magnus became more worried, then. Alec almost always answered his phone. Next, Magnus called Izzy to find out if something happened. 

"Magnus, what's up?" asked Izzy when she answered her phone. 

"Izzy, Alec hasn't come home and I'm getting worried, is there anything wrong?" 

"Um, Magnus, we didn't tell you yet, and I promise we planned to, but Alec got possessed by a greater demon, and we're trying to get him back." 

"I'll be right over," Magnus said before hanging up.


"Magnus is coming," Izzy said to Jace.

"Good, we can use all the help we can get." 

Suddenly, Clary came racing into the room. "Guys! My mom is gone, and she's not answering her phone!"


"Believe me, I know. I've sunk pretty low, but whatever I've done, you deserve," Alec said.

"Alec—" Jocelyn began.

"Quiet! I'm the bad guy, that's fine. It's no fault of mine, and some justice at last will be served!" 

"Please listen!" Jocelyn begged. "Now it's time to step up or it's time to back down, and there's only one answer for me. And I'll stand up to you 'cause I know I'm right, and I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready. Ready as I'll ever be."


"Now it's time to rise up or it's time to stand down, and the answer is easy to see and I swear by the sword, if you're in, get on board. Are you ready?" Clary rallied. 

"I'm ready," Jace responded.

Simon looked at Luke, "We're ready," they said together. 

"We're ready," all the other shadowhunters echoed. 

"Ready as I'll ever be," said Clary. 

Already knowing Alec's location from the tracking rune, the shadowhunters left to get Alec back.

"Are you quite sure we can do this?" Magnus said when they were close to Alec. 

"Together we will guarantee," answered Izzy. 

"I'll make them hear me," Alec mumbled, more to himself than anyone else. 

"Now it's time to redeem or it's time to resolve," said the shadowhunters. 

"Prove they can trust me," Clary said, raising her seraph blade. 

"And the outcome will hardly come free," the shadowhunters answered. 

"I'll save my home and family." Izzy set her face to fight. 

"Now the line's in the sand, and our moment's at hand," said the shadowhunters as they readied themselves to fight the demon in Alec. 

"And I'm ready," Jace said. 

"I'm ready," Clary echoed. 

"I'm ready," Izzy and Magnus echoed in unison. 

"Ready as I'll ever be," Alec mumbled as the shadowhunters got closer. 

Their goal was to get the demon out of Alec, but not harm Alec. When Alec came out to fight, Magnus immediately held his arms to stop the shadowhunters. 

"Alec, please. I know you're in there. You are strong, the strongest person I know. C'mon, you can fight this," Magnus spoke in a quiet, but pleading voice. He saw something spark in Alec's eyes, but the demon just sneered. 

"You really think that your little boyfriend is going to respond to you, just like that?" the demon spat. He raised his hand and sent Magnus flying. This sparked the rest of the shadowhunters to go into fighting mode, raising their seraph blades toward Alec. Magnus got back up, ignoring the pain he was in, and kept begging Alec to fight the demon. Eventually, Alec gasped. Immediately, everyone stopped, and Izzy was the one to step forward and swipe the seraph blade against Alec's leg, enough to make a deep cut, but not enough to seriously injure Alec. The demon screamed as it was expelled from Alec's body, Alec falling to the ground. Izzy and Clary stepped forward to battle the demon while it was still weak. Jace and Magnus ran over to Alec. 

"Simon! Get my mother!" Clary yelled. Simon and Luke both went to find where the demon had Jocelyn.

"Alexander, are you okay?" Magnus asked as Jace drew a iratze to heal Alec's wound. 

"I'm fine," Alec said even though he felt pretty weak. 

Magnus smiled, "I told you that you should've stayed home today." 

"Shut up," Alec smiled as he pulled Magnus in for a kiss. 

Jace coughed loudly to remind them of his presence. 

"Hey! I have to deal with you and Clary all the time, let me have this," Alec said. 

The other shadowhunters gathered around Alec, the demon back in Hell for now. 

"Are you okay, Alec?" Izzy asked worriedly. 

"I'm okay. Jace gave me an iratze," Alec answered as he stood up. "Thank you, all of you."

"Let's go home," Clary said, wrapping her arms around Jocelyn in a joyful hug.

"That sounds great," Alec agreed, smiling at Magnus. 

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