Chapter One

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Bruce Wayne loves his daughter, he really, really does, but sometimes he's disappointed. In moments like this, when he looks at the social pages in the newspaper and finds Elena's backside printed all over them.

"Don't be so hard on her" Alfred starts. "She's young and spirited"

"And when I was her age I was already in the suit and dealing out justice" Bruce throws the paper down onto the counter.

"And you did so so that she could inherit a better world" Alfred offers back pulling the paper towards him to read. "And she did, and now she is enjoying it"

"Too much like her mother" Bruce grumbles under his breath reaching for his coffee. "I should have been training her" he adds a little louder. "Should have had her ready for the suit like the boys"

"And we still lost Master Todd, even with all his training" Alfred reminds him, Bruce's feature shift from mild anger to loss now. "That could have been Miss Wayne" Bruce looks down, knowing Alfred has a point, he never wanted the costumed lifestyle for Elena, it's why he trained others instead of training her. Maybe if he had she wouldn't be out there partying like it's the end of the world every night. "She's a good girl" Bruce raises an eyebrow disbelieving. "Deep down...." Alfred adds. There is a loud crash followed by some very colourful language in the next room, at the bottom of the stairs. "Very deep down" Alfred corrects, Bruce shakes his head and glances to the doorway. Elena walks into the room on the balls of her feet, giving her a bouncing step, almost like she hadn't drank her own body weight the night before, her legs are out, sticking out from under a pair of shorts and topped off with a Batman sweater.

"Morning, Daddy" she greets kissing his cheek, he hums back watching as she moves to grab the coffee pot.

"Miss Wayne" Alfred starts to stand to take over.

"I got it, Alfred" she assures him. "Just coffee.....I think I can manage that" she teases a little pouring out her own coffee before joining them, she takes a generous helping of the coffee as Bruce keeps his eyes on the paper. Elena looks between both men and then sighs. "What is it this time?" she asks settling her eyes on Bruce.

"Good luck" Alfred offers and then flees the room.

"Elena" Bruce starts and pushes the paper towards her.

"Really going to start, Dad?" she asks. "Like you were any different at my age" she points out turning the paper over, covering up the story about her, she learnt a long time ago not to read them, it's what is best for her self-confidence and her mental state. "It's just a bit of fun" she argues. "And last I heard having fun wasn't illegal...." she stands grabbing her mug. "Dick was there too" she adds. "Why aren't you scolding him?"

"Because his body isn't plastered all over the paper" He argues. "And he's an adult. And he doesn't live under my roof. And he doesn't share my name"

"I'm 24 years old" she starts. "I'm an adult too....and it's my body" she adds. "And I can easily leave" she threatens, the two of them stare at each other, neither one wanting to stand down from the clear challenge. He doesn't want her to leave, he loves her living in the family home. He sighs and stands.

"Whatever you want, princess" he offers quietly and walks away, leaving the room. Elena looks down sadly, she hates fighting with Bruce, and him not arguing is worse then the yelling. She fiddles with her hands in her lap spinning the black bat ring on her finger before her lip starts to tremble slightly. She takes a deep breath and shuts that down, pushing her feels deep inside of her and cutting them off. Not today.


Elena shuts her bedroom door behind her then moves to set the mug on the desk in front of the huge windows that over look the grounds. She loves this view. The city beyond. At night with it all lit up it really is a beautiful sight. Sighing she takes a seat at her desk and starts up her computer, if she's going to hide out in here she is going to at least work. The Wayne Enterprise's logo flashes on her screen as it comes to life.


Elena works, peacefully for about an hour before there is a knock on her bedroom door, she turns slightly as her brother Dick opens the door stepping in.

"Hey" he offers, she glances to him and then waves him in picking her coffee back up. "What are you working on?" he asks leaning against her bed frame.

"Proposals for the new children's medical wing" she glances back to the computer screen. "What do you want, Dick?" she asks.

"Alfred text said you and Bruce got into it again about your.....partying" She looks to him and raises an eyebrow. "Sometimes being the daughter of Bruce Wayne is hard" Dick comments dropping onto her bed, she scowls looking at him, standing she heads towards where he is.

"What would you know about it?" she asks him smacking at his boots now on her bedding. "Do you mind?" Dick rolls his eyes and turns sideways so his boots hang off her bed.

"We both know, in fact we all know, why today is a bad day and why today you are being more of a bitch then usual" she sits on the bed and rests her elbows on her knees. Dick shuffles to her side and wraps an arm around her shoulder's. She grabs a letter from her bedside table and holds it out to him. Taking it in his free hand he looks down at the visitation request "Hmmm...Catwoman on cue" Dick comments.

"Maybe I'm a bad daughter because it's in my blood" Elena points out.

"Bruce doesn't think you're a bad daughter, Lena" Dick argues. "He's worried about you...." she sighs a little, he kisses her head trying to comfort her. Selina is a sore point for both Elena and Bruce. Bruce did love her, very much, but she loved being Catwoman more, more then her own daughter and left. SHIELD ended up catching up with her and now she's locked away in a safe facility. And every month she sends a letter to Elena asking to see her. She hasn't yet. "Are you going to go and see her this year?" Dick asks, she shakes her head.

"I can't" she whispers. "I can't face her....I don't think I ever will be able to see her again" she looks to him.

"And that's your right, Lena" he assures her. "Selina walked away from you, and she did not look back...." she gives him a sad smiles and leans against his arm.

"What have you got planned today?" she asks him changing the subject.

"I need to head into the city, Babs picked something up across the bridge" he looks to her. "You need a ride anywhere?" she nods and stands.

"Thanks" she tells him taking his hand, and they both know it's a thanks for more then just the ride. "I need to go into the office........." she adds walking towards her bathroom. As she closes the door he looks back down at the visitation request.




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Book One - Part One: Dark KnightWhere stories live. Discover now