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A/N - GUYS, I AM SO SORRY FOR WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. (This is short because it is meant to be so, it will lead up into Book Three, which means yes you are going to have to wait to see what happens next) 

Elena bounces to the front of Wayne Manor as someone hammers on the door, Alfred is out for the day, his day off, Bruce is in his study reading, Elena shakes her hair over one shoulder and opens the door before she smiles, Tony stands there, hands in his pockets, looking slightly nervous, Alfie at his feet.

"Hey" she greets back hiding how pleased she actually is to see him. His eyes sparkle a little seeing her stood there in front of him. 

"Hey" he counters back smiling away, happy to see her just as much. 

"You found out where I live?" she asks him, he chuckles and nods. 

"Wayne Manor" he answers. "Pretty hard to miss" he teases. "I mean...I asked for directions and they laughed at me" she chuckles. "This is actually your house?" he asks.

"For now" she teases. He raises an eyebrow at her. "Dad's building me a new house for my birthday"

"Lucky girl" he offers.

"What are you doing here?" she asks him leaning against the door frame.

"I was dying to meet Robin" Tony tells her. "Couldn't wait any more" he admits, she chuckles and nods.

"Dad is in so...how about we take a walk instead?" she asks Tony who nods. "Let me grab me jacket and shoes...and Robin. I'll meet you down by the fountain" she nods just behind Tony to where the fountain stands.

"I'll be there" he assures her and then turns to walk away, Alfie barking at his side. Elena smiles watching him go before turning to head back inside.


Tony sits on the edge of the fountain looking up at Wayne Manor, he never got the whole vintage architecture thing, but this house is something else. He actually likes it. He turns to look at Alfie who runs around the grass barking, he smiles at it. Amused.

"Hey" Elena greets behind him, walking to meet him. Tony turns to face her, his eyes finding Robin on his lead at her side. He starts laughing. 

"What is that thing?" Tony asks through his laughter.

"This is Robin...my cat" Elena answers, Tony looks to her.

"That is not a cat" he argues. "That is a damn panther" she laughs as Robin bounds over to Archie, the cat towers over the robot dog. Tony shares a look with Elena.

"So you came all this way just to meet Robin?" she asks crossing her arms over her chest. He nods and steps closer to her.

"Not just Robin" he admits, she looks to him. "I've been thinking about you a lot" he admits quietly. "I don't think about women" he tells her. "I don't find myself just....wanting to be around them..... but I do with you" he whispers. "If you'll have me" he starts stroking her arm.

"Sure Iron Man could have his pick of the ladies now" she teases slightly.

"There's only one woman he's got his eyes set on, sweetheart" he promises before he leans down brushing his nose over hers before kissing her, she sighs softly against his lips before kissing him back. Tony's fingers brush against Elena's before he threads his fingers with hers, she looks down and smiles, he kisses her cheek. Their moment is destroyed when The Wayne Manor explodes beyond them, Elena snaps her head around, her eyes widen, Tony's own eyes are wide but he manages to grab her arm to stop her from running towards the fire. He holds her against him as she fights him on his hold.

"Tony!" she screams at him. "My dad" she pleads with him before wiggling free and running towards the manor.

"Elena wait!!" he shouts and then runs after her.

"Dad!!" Elena yells searching for a way in. "Dad!" she pleads, Tony grabs her arm.

"Come on, it's too dangerous....you can't go in there" Tony tries to pull her away, she shakes him off of her.

"Dad!!!" she screams before the windows explode sending them both flying back away from the building, both hit the ground and Elena cries as she tries to push herself up to her feet. Everything is blurry and hazy as she tries to steady herself. Her eyes locked on the burning inferno that was her home. She can't breath. Tony is there to catch her when she collapses, his worried eyes all she sees as she falls into the darkness of unconsciousness.

'Batwoman will return......'

Book One - Part One: Dark KnightWhere stories live. Discover now