Chapter Twenty

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Elena spins adjusting her weight, turning and then kicks out at Dick, the two of them spending their lunch hour training in the Wayne Enterprise's building, Elena's feet hit his chest and send him stumbling backwards. She spins as her feet hit the ground, turning to face him again. He smirks a little as he rubs his chest where her feet made contact.

"Good" he offers. "But you need to give more power" she huffs a little placing her hands on her waist.

"More power" she grumbles as he steps towards her. He thrusts a punch at her and she ducks, dodges the next hit too. He grabs her wrist and tries to pull her closer, she twists in his hold managing to get free, she turns and then spins back, she lets out a cry as she shoves her foot into his chest, Dick goes flying across the room and she smirks as he lands on the mat. "How's that?" she asks him as he pushes himself to his feet. He looks to her and nods, looking pretty damn proud of her, and her training.

"Better" he rubs his chest. "Much better. You were holding back" he accuses.

"You're my brother" she offers. "I didn't want to...." she stops and shrugs. "Stupid, I know you can take the hits" she plucks at the glove on her hand.

"You're right, I can take the more holding back..." he moves towards her. "If we're doing this, we're doing it right" she nods a little. "It's going to be hard, Lena" he warns her. "Especially this late..." he sighs. "Jason told Bruce to start your training years ago, you know, to have you ready for this day"

"I never thought I would want this" She admits. "That was his life, it wasn't mine.....but now I have to, I have to do this" she sounds so determined, so sure of herself, but Dick knew it would happen, she's a Wayne and a Kyle, a suit was always in her future. "I have to do something" she adds quieter, she takes a breath and looks to Dick. "A part of me was naive enough to think that Batman got rid of all the bad...." she admits. "But he didn't....and it's not alright" she sighs. "He took off the suit and yes, you and Jason put on yours but....."

"There is too much bad" Dick finishes. "And it needs more then just me" he agrees with her. "Jason paid the price of this city not having a true protector, without the and Jason weren't enough. New York needs a Bat watching over it" he turns and rolls his neck before stretching a little. "Alright" he starts. "Again" Dick commands setting his stance, Elena throws the first punch this time, taking an attack approach rather then a defensive. Dick counters and blocks her attacks, spinning he sweeps his leg, Elena pounces, avoiding his leg and swinging herself onto Dick's back wrapping her arm around his neck. The door to the room opens and Tony steps in, his eyes finding them both.

"Hey" Tony greets just in time to see Elena spin on Dick's back, pulling him down and over her shoulder to the mat. "Damn" Tony comments as Dick groans. Elena smirks and looks down at her brother.

"Can we eat sushi now?" she asks him, Dick pushes himself up and nods.

"Yeah, food sounds good" he comments glancing to Tony. "I'll meet you in the lobby" he tells her, Elena nods and watches as Dick walks away to shower. Elena turns to Tony who smiles and waves at her.

"Stark" she greets.

"Wayne" he counters following her to where her things are sat on a chair. "So what's with all the...kung foo?" Tony asks her.

"What happened happened because I couldn't defend myself" she admits. "I don't want to feel like a victim ever again" she answers as she pulls off her gloves. "So....yeah, Dick's been training me to fight" Tony nods.

"Smart" he agrees with her, she raises an eyebrow at him.

"What are you doing here?" she asks him.

"I was just checking in" he answers, she raises an eyebrow. "I wanted to make sure you were alright" he corrects slightly. "I intended to come see you after your party, make sure you were okay but it got crazy" she hums a little.

"'S fine, Stark" she assures him. "We both had lives to get back to" she grabs her things and turns to leave, he follows her.

"Trying to get rid of me?" he asks turning to walk backwards in front of her.

"Yes" she admits. "The news already thinks we're dating..."

"Would it be so bad?" he asks, she looks up at him as she stops, he pauses too. "We'd be epic, come on" he teases, she shakes her head.

"It would be messy" she corrects. "We're both too stubborn, we're both to smart....we'd clash all the time...."

"We haven't yet" he points out. "We actually work pretty damn well together." she looks away from him. He cups her cheek turning her to face him, his fingers brushing against her skin.

"Tony" she warns as he pulls her closer to him.

"I'll stop if you really want me to" he assures her, but he leans closer to her as her fingers close in the fabric of his shirt, clutching to him. His nose brushes over hers, lips almost touching.

"Hey, what's taking..." Dick walks in and then pauses seeing the two of them, Elena pulls away from Tony and seems to be released from whatever spell she was under.

"Elena" Tony starts, she shakes her head and leaves with Dick who glances back at Tony before the door closes on them. Tony takes a breath and then nods. "Need a cold shower" he tells himself before leaving the room behind him. He likes her, he does. She's intelligent, beautiful, a keen businesswoman, he actually really likes her. The time spent in the hole in the ground and the time since. He sighs and shakes his head, he should have known that a woman like her wouldn't be interested in him, this is why he sleeps with dumb chicks. 

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