Chapter 7

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"Sorry, Raven, the bug doesn't wanna lose" Blue Beetle stated while his hands turned into a gun that had a bigger shooting radius.

"And you do?" Raven countered back.

They have been fighting for a few seconds already.

I was even more interested in their sparring when Raven launched another one of those huge raven birds towards him using her magic.

The spell wrapped Blue Beetle, trapping him in a sphere.

But suddenly, a light blue beam came out from the purple sphere, breaking it, and hitting Raven as she tried shielding herself. She ended up falling unconscious on the floor.

"Dios mio! I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Jaime quickly exclaimed while landing down next to her. Then he was scolding his scarab.

"Dios Mio!" = "My God!" or "Oh my god!" in spanish

I gasped before getting back up on my feet. I was about to run over to her and see if she was okay, but a hand prevented me from doing so.

I spin my attention to the person holding me back.

"She's fine, trust me" Damian informed.

He stared into my eyes through his domino mask as I stared back into his white lens. I could fadely see the green color on his eyes.

I bit my lip as I returned my attention back to Raven.

"Ah, I'm fine" she stated tiredly as she got up.

She was quiet for a bit before I noticed that the jewel on her head was shining.

She opened her eyes and the light stopped,

"But dad feels I've disgraced myself"

"So that's nice" she added with a smile.

It was as if the smile was contagious because it spread to Jaime and to me.

I sat back down, feeling relieved that she was alright.

"(Y/N), and Robin"

I glanced to Kori,

"Really? I just sat down" I pouted before I saw a hand in front of me.

"Ready?" I hear Wayne's voice.

"Always, Beloved" I reply as I took his hand and he led me to where we will be sparring.

This his how you know I've spent too much time with him since now I'm taking his nicknames.

I took my bow from behind my back and adjusted the quiver with arrows.

"Aw! No Crossbow?" I hear Beast Boy whine.

I looked over to him,

"Not quite very good with it" I gave a half smile while placing an arrow on my bow.

I used to bring my crossbow to train. But I'd always end up losing. Especially that one time I had to spar with Jaime.

I smirked at the boy in front of me,

"Good luck dodging my shots"

"I've always been able to do that" he replied, positioning himself into a fighting stance with his katana out.

I gasp, pretending to be offended.

"Well too bad. I've been practicing" I sarcastically countered him.

The second I finished that sentence, I rolled over the ground and aimed the arrow at him.

He moved his head to avoid the strike. That was good news.

(Sequel) Lies and Secrets [Damian Wayne x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now