Ch. 2

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The next day it was all over the news about the stolen wares of the agreste line. Also including the hate Adrien crime in the store. When the news came on his father barely batted an eye but Natalie gave him a slight glance in regard. How sentimental.

"So that's it? Not even a question of if I at least feel alright?"

Gabriel scoffed at Adrien.

"It should not concern you what others view you. In fact, I endorse it, not everyone can like you adrien. But I am upset that this act is easing more protesters against my line."

Adrien slammed at the table as he left to his room. His father barely giving him a glance. No clue on who it could've been but what also set Adrien off was the lack of coverage of the Chat diamond being stolen. Sadly before adrien could contact Catwoman a scream for help rang out. Even Adrien couldn't help but try to be the hero. Maybe just one last time, after all, life is going to be much different after today. How right was he.

"Chat! Can you believe someone would rob an agreste store? And to do such a hate crime against Adrien!"

Ladybug said as she arrived next to him. The scream was just sobbing Adrien fans over the whole ordeal. Adrien was silent as he stared on.

"'s not unbelievable, some people could dislike all the fame and fortune he has."

Ladybug shook her her head.

"Maybe that was a front. It was next to the jewelers that had the ladybug gems!"

Adrien turned to her slowly.

"Nothing else important too?"

Ladybug shrugged.

"Other gems too, but I think this was a sneak attack on me. I think they said some other diamond stolen but it wasn't all that interesting. It was pretty ok but those ladybug gems were so beautiful."

Adrien had enough right then and there.

"My lady, no ladybug, do you even have anything to say to me?"

Ladybug paused before frowning in distaste.

"Is this about the meeting thing? Chat I told you I had plans. If it makes you feel better it didn't turn out well and I headed home early at like 7."

Adrien righted his hold on his baton.

"I told you I was free until nine."

She just waved her hand at him.

"I thought you would leave after the first hour of me not showing up. Not like it would've been that important."

Adrien stood his ground right then and there.

"But it was!"

He slammed his baton to the ground.

"I waited until midnight for you! And you didn't even give me a second thought even when you could've had the time to! I'm sick of being the little toy you push around."

Adrien turned around to go off but a small hand on the shoulder stopped him.

"Chat, you're my partner and I expect a lot out of you but can't you respect me and my own time? I don't think you could be this selfish over a small-"

Adrien's eye's slitted thin and ladybug took a step back. Adrien pointed a finger at her.

"Who's the one who left with no explanation for me to deal with an Akuma. And putting a civilian in danger non the less. Who dropped the Eiffel Tower and didn't think about the possible deaths you made that day."

Each poke had ladybug backing to the edge of the roof top.

"What if your ladybugs hadn't fixed that? Who was the one who left me time after time to distract and get beat up by the bad guys for some stupid on the spot plan! You could've thought of anything better than sacrificing me!"

They were at the edge and ladybug was staring at him wide eyed. She looked down below her.

"Chat this isn't you! I know you, you wouldn't-"

Adrien pushed her off the building with ease and before she could fall any father he grabbed her hand as she had a foot still on the edge.

"You know nothing about me! This goes to show that even the little bit you knew about me, is all wrong! You are a selfish little bug that needs to be squished ladybug! And by the way."

He pulled her close bringing her back to the edge.

"You'll survive the fall."

He pushed her vertically off and went off on his baton.

Just a Feline ( Batman x Miraculous Ladybug  Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now