Ch. 15

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Selina sighed amusedly before bringing the mood back to more important matters at hand. After all, Bruce has been especially cryptic tonight before they got knocked out and kidnapped.

"Why are you really here Bruce? What does it have to do with tonight?"

Bruce explained how things were quiet in Gotham and connected with the league. As well as the disappearances and covered up deaths coming around more.

"I thought Selina was joking but she really did get a son and save someone. I also heard of those little sprees as well."

Adrien shrugged nonchalantly. Yes, he did steal and do some thieving with Catwoman, but it was mostly just practice.

"I usually either give it away, keep one or two. Sometimes I even give it back."

Batman grumbled but agreed to not be too bothered by it. After all, this young man had no real interest with thievery, just proving himself.

"If so, what really happened? I know you are Chat noir kid, but how did that even happen? Or lead you to be with Selina?"

Adrien paused before looking down at his hands.

"Like I said, I was in a prison, both as Adrien agreste and Chat noir. Adrien agreste, always the boy locked away by his father. Chat noir was my freedom, but soon I got trapped by it too. Ladybug, she, she use to mean everything to me. But to her, I was some lowly alleycat that she can throw away. I finally realized this and met catwoman during a breakthrough moment. She heard my story and took me in."

Dick nodded understanding that Adrien went through a lot. Bruce conceded his thoughts on Selina using Adrien as a partner.

"Now that is cleared up, I think we're gonna stay in Paris for a week. Dick will be shadowing your school so don't worry. It's precaution in case the league goes after you in school."

Adrien understood that and they spent the rest of the car ride talking over plans. Bruce has been tracking down the league and trying to find their plans. Adrien grew interested once they spoke on his miraculous.

"I won't ask about you special powers, but how did you come in contact with it?"

Adrien didn't feel any resistance from plagg so he still told them cautiously.

"I was chosen by the protector of these items. He chooses and so far his only mistake has been ladybug."

Batman didn't say much on that. Adrien discussed other methods of contact.

"I think we should have a way to contact each other that can't be tracked. I won't always have my phone on me."

Bruce pulled out two buttons. Handing one to Selina and Adrien.

"Attach this to your shirt or wherever you choose. Press it and it sends a signal to either me or dick for help. I'll allow some modifications if you only want to contact each other."

Selina smiled and slipping it on her side.

"How thoughtful, I'll ask you about it later, it's late and our boys need rest."

Adrien flushed a little unused to this sort of motherly teasing. Dick rolled his eyes and was use to it all. The two exchanged numbers before Adrien was dropped off at home. Before he headed to bed Adrien remembered to send a quick text to reassure his boyfriend. Luka who has been anxiously waiting at home was very glad for this. He was worried he had to turn into Viperion to catch up with them. But he knew better that he couldn't just invade his boyfriend's mom's privacy like that. He thinks miss Kyle is a very nice and good woman to Adrien but it was a little suspicious. At the same time, it makes sense, she could also been discussing ways to keep Adrien safe from all this league mess. Luka ended up sending him a good night text and went to sleep ruminating that night.

The next day was a shocker for everyone at school. Dick Grayson, the ward of the Bruce Wayne was shadowing their school. Francis nearly died and Lana had to take deep breaths. Derek was cool about it but Luka saw right through it.

"Not even a single bit convincing, you're lucky Lana and Francis are so dramatic you look cool."

Derek shoved him and Luka shoved right back. Adrien smiled at his friends antics with a knowing smile. Dick's eyes were filled with amusement. Luckily no league attacks. Sadly there was a Akuma. Adrien made sure to tell dick to stay out of it.

"My home, my villain. You barely gave me any goons last time."

Dick winced but nodded along begrudgingly. That lead to Chat noir on the scene along side Viperion.

"I am Streak Breaker! If you won't keep up with me then I'll make sure you can't keep up with anything!"

Adrien rolled his eyes and Viperion laughed.

"Don't be mean, at least this won't be that difficult!"

Chat smiles at that, he found himself really in sync with him.

"That so? Better use that second chance now so I can tell you so!"

Viperion smirked. "Wanna bet?"

Chat nodded eagerly grinning mischeviously liken to the Cheshire Cat.

"Alright, second chance! You can't take it back kitty!"
"Wouldn't dream of it!" He practically purred.

With the battle going on longer then expected Chat prepared his cataclysm. Too bad he was knocked back, and it had already activated. Causing him to end up touching his side.

"Ahh!" He cried out as his cataclysm affected him.

Viperion saw eyes wide and went to him.

"No no!, Ladybug can fix you, once she gets here-" "No, my lucky charm works on only those I want to fix. You aren't supposed to be here Chat. So deal with your own wounds."

Ladybug said finally getting on the scene. She finished off the Akuma and as she said fixed everything except Chat.

"You're really going to let him suffer?"

Ladybug glared over at Chat.

"He may not be on hawkmoth side, but he betrayed me. And I'm not willing going to forget all his little acts. He's been stealing all over Paris and is a thief. Maybe he stole the miraculous, after all, he's a no good dirty cat."

Viperion stared at her and pulled up his wrist.

"You know, when we first met, he didn't even try to attack me. Just started talking about how you were a liar. How you didn't respect him or wouldn't respect me. Lb, I'm begging you, help him, for me."

Ladybug paused before shaking her head.

"Your heart is in the right place Viperion, but your head isn't. He's a thief, and I don't help the bad guys."

Viperion glared and held out his bracelet.

"What are you-"

Before she could say anything he turned back time.

"Second chance."

Just a Feline ( Batman x Miraculous Ladybug  Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now