Ch. 3

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After making way to a dark alley with no one in sight, Adrien opened up his baton phone. Pulling up the number Catwoman gave him Adrien called.

"Oh my little tomcat, wanna begin lessons?"

Adrien smiled even though she couldn't see.

"Of course! Where can we meet?"

They set up to meet at a underground bar. Adrien had endless amount of time, so he headed back home to grab the diamond. Luckily enough he didn't have to deal with anyone at home. Adrien headed to the bar with ease and was surprised to be let in. The bouncer nodded him.

"You helped my brother during an attack, thank you."

Adrien smiled, glad he was recognized for some heroic deeds. As he went inside it was very lively with chatter and people. It did help everyone was also in costumes. He got some looks but no one really question him there. Adrien saw Catwoman grabbing drinks and she spotted him as well. Due to her nodding to to him.

"I got us drinks. A fine mix for me and a lovely mock tail for you kitten."

Adrien smiled sheepishly at that.

"Ah, thank you miss Catwoman."

Catwoman smiled at that.

"If you wanted to be formal, call me miss kyle."

Adrien nodded.

"I want you to know that I expect you to follow my orders no matter what. Even if they may seem odd. If you were anybody else, I would've waved you off. But you have a quality that even I can't deny as a woman."

Adrien has to laugh as he sipped his drink. It was very flavorful.

"I'm assuming good looking? Innocent? A literal model's face."

Miss Kyle smiled at him but nodded.

"I know, you are trying to get away from all that, but using that to your advantage can be so beneficial. You've been holding back because you have an image to keep."

Miss Kyle looked around the room.

"Kitten, you have respect here, as a true hero for the small people. Don't think I haven't heard of you helping the poor or drunk."

Adrien looked down in his lap bashful.

"I just, I know normal people ignore them, and I know what it's like to be ignored. Heck, if I wasn't so ignored I probably couldn't have cut it as a hero as I was."

Miss Kyle paused at that squinting her eyes.

"Your father truly ignores you?"

Adrien felt as if he could trust her. She's been guiding him and helping him without lying to him. Sure she wants to show him the ropes of being a thief. But all for his benefit.

"Yes, neglect as well. I know for certain he's forgotten to come or do certain events with me. Heck, he even stood up the big piano recital that we have been bonding over. He chose to go do a sudden business meeting that helped his work instead of focusing on his sons biggest moment-"

Adrien took a shuddering sigh as he sipped his drink.

"Are you certain I can't have some of your drink?"

Miss Kyle grabbed his hand and squeezed.

"Sorry kitten, I'd be a bad future momma cat if I do."

Adrien blinked up at her before considering her words.

"How quickly could you get me out of that house."

Miss Kyle stared at him very intently.

"A matter of two weeks if not less. You can get me evidence easily enough and you can say goodbye to that prison. It only takes one question kitten."

Adrien wanted to leap in joy but he was a bit hesitant. His father would be lonely without him.


He turned to Miss Kyle.

"That man has had enough time to grieve over his wife. You had enough time to let her go a long while ago. Don't keep using the same excuse for him."

Adrien really thought on her words and it was true. His father was already alone all the time even with Adrien there. He pushed him away and barely casted him a second glance. Adrien looked up at Miss Kyle not regretting his words.

"Will you help me out of that home?"

Miss Kyle smiled sincerely.

"With pleasure."

The two discussed over how Adrien would get evidence and he did so. He would record his interactions with his father with the help of Plagg. Plagg would record out of his pocket at the right angle. Endless amount of footage of Adrien being dismissed and even yelled at. When Selina Kyle walked into the Agreste manor a week later with a social worker she was purely professional.

"Miss Kyle? I don't know why you are here?"

Nathalie said as she let the two enter. The sight of the child worker made her unease. Adrien deserved better, Nathalie could admit that. But to have him leave for good, the thought made her sad. What ever the end result be, Nathalie would make peace with either.

"Hello, we need to speak with Gabriel this instance, it would do him good if he does. After all, this is a matter concerning his son."

Nathalie quickly messaged and phoned Gabriel.

"This isn't something you can blow off sir, if you do not show, I believe this will complicate matters greatly at home, it would distract you more from your other work.."

Gabriel came out his office cold but had put on a face to appear normal. Selina saw through this and the child worker kept a neutral face.

"Good afternoon ladies, may I know why you are here?"

Selina raised an eyebrow.

"Why would you want to know?"

Gabriel kept his tone smooth.

"One can only assume someone of your prowess coming in here with a social worker non the less means something."

The social worker stepped forward.

"I'm going to be straight forward mister agreste. Someone has tipped us off with some very disturbing evidence against you. You are charged of neglect, ignorance of your child, and much more."

Gabriel's face was grim as he stared at the two.

"Before you even go to ask, we do have a permit to be here, we will be checking with the boy alone. And from there we shall see what we will do."

Just a Feline ( Batman x Miraculous Ladybug  Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now