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-Didn't have a good title...-

When everyone on the team came downstairs for breakfast, the Wayne kids were already up, fighting over food. The youngest hopped up onto a chair at the breakfast table.

"Morning." Wally gently pressed the scrap of paper unto the kid's placemat.

 Dick grabbed it and thrust it into his pocket. He hadn't told his siblings that he'd apologized. The only thing Jason found more pathetic than crying in public was apologizing for it. "Hi."

"What food do you have?"

Tim broke away from fighting Jason to give a brief explanation. "On weekends we take turns cooking, but on weekdays.. free for all." He shoulder checked his brother and took the box or cereal they'd been fighting over.

M'gann floated through the doorway. She stopped and patted the seven year old's hair. "I forgive you."

"Forgive 'im for what?" Jason asked, shoving a whole piece of bread in his mouth.

"Nothing!" Dick said quickly. He looked up at her. "What do you want to eat? I'll show you what we have."

They ate quickly, the siblings fighting over the best food, and discussed the day's plans. Jason was going to the arcade with Kori, Barbra had a summer gymnastics class, and Tim had to pick things up from the library. The team didn't have anything on, except Artemis, who'd made plans with friends, and Conner, who needed to visit Wolf.

"Can I meet your dog?" Dick asked as soon as he heard the word 'wolf'.

"Uhh, maybe." Conner was a little worried about letting a child meet wolf. Wolf wasn't dangerous at all, he'd never hurt a kid, but the little boy might pester him and pull on his fur.

"Is that yes?" He asked.

"Dick, don't pressure him." Tim reminded. "He can say no if he wants."

"I want to meet him. You don't know how to care for a canine like that." Damian stated.

"I know how to take care of my own dog." 

"Yeah, Damian, don't be a little shit!" 

M'gann lowered  her glass, making eye contact with her boyfriend. "Maybe We can bring him over, just to say hello..."

Conner sighed. "I'll see how he's doing, and then maybe, I'll bring him over to visit in the evening."

"YES!" Dick pumped his fist excitedly.

"Calm down." Damian scowled, getting up to grab the milk. He leaned on the open fridge door moodily. "We need to go to the store."

"You guys have money to grocery shop by yourselves?" Wally asked.

"Baywatch, We're IN A MANSION, I think they might have some money laying around..." Artemis elbowed him.

"Richard, are you going to come to the store with me?"

"When?" Dick looked up from sipping the milk out of his cereal bowl.

"This afternoon."

"Kay!" Dick finished his milk, wiped his mouth, and clattered to the kitchen. He clambering onto the stand-me-up and dropped his dishes in the sink. "Dibs Not washing!" Dick dropped to the floor.

Instantly, the other siblings dropped off their chairs, lying on the floor with shouts of: 'dibs'. The team stared in mild confusion. 

"We'll just wash our own dishes." M'gann stated, floating her and Conner's dishes to the sick.

Babysitting The Waynes (adopted Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon