Patrol With Two (More Like Three) Children

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-WHAT HO! part 1 was ages ago, so here's a reminder that **This** is Romani, since it isn't on google translate-


Kaldur set the novel down next to Tim at the dining room table. "I enjoyed it."

"Yeah? I got box sets of all of his series." The fifteen year old bragged. "Except Kane Chronicles. Fuck Kane Chronicles."

"The Kane Chronicles are AWESOME!" Barbra countered, taking everyone's dinner dishes to the sink.

"Well, it's all subjective." Tim shrugged. "Like: I have the right opinion, and you have the wrong opinion."

"Wow, Timmy, how Jason of you." Barbra scoffed. Suddenly, a child ran into her legs. "Hey! Slow down!"

"Sorry Babs." Dick turned to the other two in the dining room. "Guess what!"

"What?" Tim asked.

Dick froze, realizing that he wasn't supposed to say he was going on patrol while Kaldur was there. "...Nothing!" 

Dick ran from the room. Slick.

The boy ran into Jason on the stairs. "Jay! JAy! JAY! JAY! JA-"


"Babs says me and Cassie can go out!" He said excitedly.


"Tonight Aren't you exci-!"

"No, when did I ASK?" Jason pushed past him, smirking. That line had never worked so well. Dick pouted, watching him leave, he'd been so excited to tell Jason that he could go on patrol with the others.

Dick ran upstairs and started getting ready for bed, even though it was only seven. The sooner they 'went to bed', the sooner he'd go on patrol.

"Dickie, time to start- that was quick." Tim froze in the doorway. 

"I'm ready!"

"Well, we still have to wait twenty minutes until the team goes on patrol." Dick whined. Twenty minutes was, like, forever! "Hey, you wanna read while we are waiting?"



"Dickie was so excited. He read a WHOLE PAGE of his Sisters Eight book." Tim bragged. He was so excited that his little brother was learning to read.

"Wow, good job!" Barbra encouraged, picking up her youngest sibling. "Oof, when'd you get so heavy?"

"Aren't those girl books?" Jason teased.

"Isn't that girl eyeliner?" Tim countered.

"Aren't those girl platforms?" Barbra added.

"Isn't that a girl's boyfriend?" Damian finished.

Jason put up his hands. "Okay, geez. I get it." He walked over to Barbra. "Hey, why are you holding him? Dickie is seven, he can walk."

"Yeah!" Dick shouted suddenly, he always fell for it when Jason did that. "Put me down! PUT ME DOWN!"

Barbra rolled her eyes and set the little boy down. "Go get into your Robin costume please."

Dick ran off to get into costume with Cass. The kiddies were going on patrol that night. Since not all the bats could be seen in the same place at the same time while the team was there, Barbra and Tim would be staying behind.

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