Social Planning

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That friday, Conner woke up with the sound of terrified screaming somewhere in the middle of the city. He got out of bed and went to the living room, noticing the oven was on, cooking something. But there was no one there. The window was open, and if he concentrated enough, he could hear the shouts for 'Superman' in the middle of the chaos.

Madine appeared right after him, looking concerned.

"Do you know what's happening?"

He shook his head.

"I just got up. The noise woke me."

She nodded and turned the TV on, going to the kitchen afterwards, to check on the pan. The newscast was showing exactly what they wanted to know, so Conner turned the volume up.

"A big fire is happening at the Metropolis Gallery downtown right now. The fire department just got there, and also Superman is on the site, taking the people out of the building. No one knows the origin of the fire, but there are theories that this wasn't an accident."

"That's unfortunate. I was hoping to take you there today." Madine said in the kitchen.

"What's in there?"

"It's a good place to buy stuff. It's not a big mall or something, but there's good stores and it's a nice place. And now it appears it's completely destroyed. That's really bad."

Conner didn't said anything, looking while the TV showed live images of the fire being put down, both by Superman and the firemen. In no time, the fire was completely extinguished, and people in the vicinity started clapping at the efforts. Superman gave them all a wave, and after talking briefly with the captain of the firemen, he flew away.

"Well, dad's coming back. And breakfast is ready, so come on." She turned down the volume on the TV and they both went to the kitchen.

As soon as they sat, Superman flew through the window, going to his room in a blur and appearing back right in the doorframe of the kitchen, in normal clothes.

"Everything alright, dad?" She asked while she put some jelly on her toast.

"Yes. But I think the fire was criminal." he said, sighing and sitting beside Conner.

"Why is that?" he asked, serving himself of some juice.

"There's marks around the place... A lot of signs. I told the captain where to look for it."

"It's a shame it was the Gallery. I was hoping to take Conner there today."

Clark nodded in understanding.

"You can take him to the mall."

"Yes, I thought about taking him there tomorrow, but I guess I'll change my plans."

He laughed.

"Well, today is as good as tomorrow. Also, Batman called a meeting at night with the League, to talk about the boys." he said, looking at Conner. "I probably won't be home for dinner, so you may as well eat something there. Have a little fun together."

"That could work." Madine hummed, seemingly making plans on her mind already.

"He made a decision?" Conner asked Clark, shyly.

"I think so. He didn't told us what it was, but if he called a League meeting, it certainly needs a little more from the League." he said.

Conner bit his lip. Clark noticed his anxiousness.

"Why you're nervous?" he asked.

"I just..." Conner sighed. "I just don't want them to be in trouble for this. They saved me."

The smile on Clark's lips came easily, and he put one arm in Conner's shoulder before answering.

"I know. I'll make sure to remind everyone of this later." he promised.

Conner nodded, knowing his father would do exactly that, and maybe some more.

"Well, either way, I still have school to go to."  Madine said with a pout. "But when I come back, you and I," she pointed to her twin. "are going to get out of here and have a little Friday-night fun, ok?"

Conner smiled and nodded. "Okay."

"Great! It's settled, then."

She went about cleaning the kitchen while Conner and Clark finished their plates, and after that, she ran to her room to finish getting ready.

"So, what do you plan on doing today?" Clark asked while they walked together through the hallway to their bedrooms.

Conner shrugged.

"Madine said she wants me to dig into some social skills, since we're going out today. Maybe I'll do that."

"Sounds like a plan." he smiled. "But I think you'll do it just fine."

Conner smiled. "Thanks dad."

"You're welcome."

He then was left in his room, while Clark went to change his clothes so he could go to work. Madine passed by his room and waved him goodbye, remembering him about the social tips she wanted him to look for. She would always do that, in the past two days. Before going to school, she would give him something to read or look for, something about social behavior, things that Cadmus didn't taught him; and then, when she was home from school, they would discuss it and she would explain everything he didn't quite understood. It was nice, even though he spent most of his time alone.

Well, he could at least look forward to this afternoon, since it was friday, and apparently, according to Madine, friday was a day to get out of the house and have some fun.

He was looking forward to that.

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