Meeting the Kents

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It was near the end of August when Clark finally managed the time to clear his schedule at the Daily Planet and on the Justice League monitor duty roster to take his children to the farm.

He had talked to his parents about Conner earlier, of course, and they almost travelled all the way to Metropolis to see their new grandson, but Clark managed (barely) to keep them in Smallville for the time being. Conner still needed to adjust to the world in some ways, and Clark thought it would be best if he just stayed with him and Madine for a while, before getting to know his grandparents.

The last weekend of August was the finally the time. On Wednesday, Clark made sure with Batman that the Team wasn't going to have any mission, and fortunately, it didn't. That made things easier to plan. He called his parents to tell them about the trip, and when Conner and Madine got home that evening from their little social gathering (Madine had taken Conner to a reunion with a few of her friends from school), he told them the news.

Madine couldn't possibly be more excited for it.

"I was wondering when you'd take us there." She said. "I miss grandma and grandpa."

"They miss you too." He smiled. "What about you, Conner?"

His son seemed a little green. Clark frowned.

"I don't know." He answered before Clark could ask. "What if they don't like me? I'm your clone, not your son..."

Madine was about to speak, but Clark silent her with just a look.

"Conner, they will love you. They already do. The only reason they didn't met you yet was because I was trying to keep you at least a little comfortable with us first. It wouldn't do you any good getting to know the whole family at once. But trust me with this: they can't wait to meet you."

Conner looked at him with bright blue eyes – exactly like him and Madine – and there was so much uncertainty there that Clark couldn't help but get closer and hug his son, tight.

"Are you sure?" Conner asked, his voice low and full of anxiety.

"I'm sure." He promised. "You'll be fine. They love you already. Just like Madine and I do."

Conner hugged him back, just as tight. He was getting better at hugging, thanks to Madine.

They parted with a small smile at Conner's lips, and Clark hoped that his anxiety had subsided. He couldn't wait to introduce him to his parents. And now it was closer than ever.


"Madine, come on! If we don't hurry, we're going to get stuck in traffic!" Clark should have known that Madine was going to get late, even with a few hours to spare.

Conner was ready, in simple blue jeans, a red t-shirt and a black hoodie, right beside Clark at the hallway, with his duffel bag full of clothes for the weekend. He was quiet, presumably still anxious about meeting the Kents, but Clark was prepared to be by his side all of the time.

Madine, on the contrary, was so excited that she left everything for last, and now was hurrying through her clothes trying to find something to wear to the trip.

"I still don't know why we can't just fly over there!" She mumbled, knowing full well Clark and Conner would be able to hear.

"Because part of the reason I'm taking you there is to spend some time with you both. That's why we're driving. Now hurry up! Conner and I are going downstairs!"

"Okay, okay, give me five minutes!" She promised, and Clark sighed.

"Not a second more, got it?" she didn't answer, but he knew she had heard. "Come on, Kon, let's get to the car. It might make her faster."

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