Chapter 7

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Jason woke up slowly and realized he was feeling more rested than he had in a while. He stretched his tight muscles and let out a content sigh. He opened his eyes and instantly his mood dropped. He was in the manor? Why in the hell was he in the manor? He looked around as if to possibly deny that he was here, but nope. This was definitely his old room at the manor. He thought back to why he was here, his current safe house where he was crashing hadn't been compromised. Shi's bright blue eyes flashed through his mind. Or, right. Then his mind caught up to him. He was alone in the room. Where the fuck was the kid? He hopped out of bed so quickly that his foot got caught up in his blankets and he promptly face-planted onto the floor. He let out a little annoyed groan as he kicked at the offending fabric. He got up and quickly changed into clothes that weren't wrinkled from sleeping. Alfred would have a fit if he came down in wrinkled clothing. Anyway, he had a kid to find.

He searched almost the entire manor and he still could find her. Where in the hell did she go? He noticed Alfred walking by, heading towards the kitchen, and intercepted him. Jason ran a hand through his hair in frustration as he walked up to the butler, "Hey Al have you seen Shi around anywhere? She wasn't there when I woke up." He really hadn't expected her to roam far from him with how closely she had been sticking to him. The only times she had strayed was when she was sitting on Dickie's lap and when she made tea with Alfred.

"Ah yes. I do believe I saw Master Damian taking her downstairs earlier." Alfred answered promptly before continuing his way to the kitchen.

Jason's eyebrows shot up as he quickly turned on his heel and made his way down to the cave. What in the hell was that demon brat doing with Shi? Especially with him taking down to the cave. Why would he take her there? He burst into Bruce's office and activated the elevator down the cave. His foot tapped with impatience as the normally fast elevator seemed to take forever. He wouldn't openly admit it, but he was worried about the kid.

When he finally got down to the ground level he heard the sounds of fighting coming from the training area. A fire burned in Jason's eyes. The demon brat was fighting her? She was injured for god's sake! He jogged over to the training area intent on giving the demon brat a piece of his mind. When he got them in his sights however he slowed to a stop and simply watched the two of them.

Shi twirled out of the way of Damian's blow. The way she moved it almost looked like she was dancing. She dashed by Damian leaving a small trail of red on his cheek. As Damian sent a kick her way she gracefully did a one-handed backflip. She held the side that was injured close to her as to minimize the damage. Jason watched her face as she landed and a small smile appeared on her face. Realization struck him, she was honestly having fun sparing with Damian. His eyes flitted to Damian and saw the tiny smirk on his face. The demon brat was also having fun, even if he was holding himself back. He watched as Damian actively avoided her injured side. Jason let out a silent sigh as he quietly backed away. It looked like they had been at it for a while so he was sure Shi would be hungry when they finished up. The last he saw of them before he turned around was Shi's tail wagging in anticipation.

As he made his way back up he wondered how Damian and Shi had gotten together in the first place. The demon brat probably wanted to test her or something but ended up actually enjoying it. That didn't really explain why Shi had left the bedroom, to begin with. He shook off the thought and made his way to the kitchen. He saw Alfred bustling around preparing breakfast for everyone. He saw a fresh pot of coffee and a grateful smile appeared, oh god he missed good coffee. No matter how he made it his it never tasted as good as Alfred's coffee. He poured himself a large cup as he watched the butler move around. He knew better than to ask if the old man wanted any help. Alfred never accepted any help.

"Did you find your charge, Master Jason?" Alfred asked lightly.

Jason chuckled, "Yeah Shi is downstairs doing a light spar with the demon."

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