Chapter 13

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The rest of the night passed rather peacefully. Jason carried a sleepy Shi down to the cave so she wouldn't be alone. He needed to go out on patrol tonight as it wasn't good for the Hood to not be seen for too many nights in a row. He had explained it to her as best as he could that he had to leave for the night and the pout that appeared on her face nearly broke his heart. In the end, he didn't want to leave her alone so he figured if he left her down in the cave with Alfie then maybe she'd be better with him gone. He had gotten her changed into some warm pajamas and big fuzzy socks so she'd stay warm while down in the cave. Everyone else was already down in the cave getting ready for the night's patrol. The only person not going out was Tim and that was because he was continuing his research into Shi's situation. Well, that and Barbara had the night off and somebody had to be on coms and keep everyone in touch.

Shi looked around at everyone in both amazement and confusion as Jason sat her down in a big comfy chair that twirled. They were all in weird outfits and were picking up many different weapons. Jason had explained to her a couple of minutes ago that they all go out and stop bad guys from doing bad things every night. She guessed that is what she had found him doing when she first saw him. From what she remembered him wearing that night Jason definitely had the most normal fighting outfit out of all of them.

She glanced over at Mr. Bruce and tilted her head slightly as she took in his outfit, it was a little scary looking. It was all black with slight grey accents. The only part of him that was visible was the area around his mouth. There were little pointy ear-like things on top of his head and a symbol on his chest that her mind offered after a delay was a bat. He had a long cape that looked slightly tattered on the bottom and if he moved just right it looked like the cape consumed him. She scooched back slightly and glanced over to the next person. Mr. Bruce was a bit too scary looking when he was dressed up like that. She still wasn't too sure if she liked Mr. Bruce when he was normal looking.

Dick was jumping around, stretching, and doing things she didn't know a human body could do. Maybe he could teach her how to do those stretchy and bendy if she asked him. Well, once she figured out how to articulate questions. He was in a one-piece bodysuit that was mostly black, with a blue bird-ish-looking design across his chest and shoulders. There was a black mask over his eyes and if she didn't know that it was Dick behind the mask she never would have recognized him. It astounded her that with a simple mask over their eyes made them unrecognizable.

Damian was in an outfit that was much more colorful than she would have ever imagined him in. His top was mostly red with yellow accents, his boots were really tall and green. He had black pants and green gloves as well. He had a cape similar to Mr. Bruce's but it only fell to the back of his knees instead of floor length. The outside of it was a deep black, but the inside of it was yellow. She didn't even know that clothing could be different colors on each side. He had a green mask over his eyes. She briefly saw his sword hidden on his back by the cape.

Even the one called Tim was dressed up oddly. His outfit was like a mix between Jason's and Mr. Bruce's. He had a red top with black pants. He had a cape as well and Shi was starting to notice a trend of those. Everyone had a belt with lots of pockets on it, but he also had two things crisscrossing over his chest that has pockets on them as well. He was sitting down in the chair next to her and was typing super fast on the keyboard.

Alfred was over in the corner where a small kitchen counter was set up and he was preparing something that smelled very bitter to her nose. She could also smell her tea and she started getting excited for the upcoming cup. She watched him walk over with a tray full of cups. Mr. Bruce, Dick, and Jason got a normal-sized cup of the bitter smelling liquid. Tim got a ginormous cup of the bitter smelling stuff. Both Damian and herself got a cup of tea. She held the warm cup close to her and smiled up at Alfred in thanks.

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