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It had been a few days since the incident between her and the ex-counselor. The few days since then had been good. School got a bit better (especially since they are reviewing the teachers and any complaints against them), and since she's admitted to herself that the Wayne's are her family, she's gotten closer to them. Though, she still hasn't figured out how to tell them about herself.

Walking down to breakfast on the fine Saturday morning, Penny didn't expect anything to big to happen. Penny had sat down next to Dick and Damien, and listened intently to Dick's strange dream about a mermaid climbing a mountain. Everyone was there, and chatting, it seemed like it was going to be an uneventful day. And that's when Bruce addressed them all.

"Kids, I have to tell you something."

Almost immediately everyone's attention was on him. She's interested in what he has to say, but also a little sad about Bruce interrupting. Dick's dream is very strange and quite fun to listen to.

"Tomorrow night I am hosting a gala for Wayne Enterprises, and you all have to come."

All the boys immediately groaned, upset at having to attend another gala. Penny however was curious. She's never been to a gala, or even any type of party what wasn't for Christmas or Thanksgiving when her Aunt and Uncle were alive, so she's kind of excited.

"I didn't tell you all until today because I didn't want any of you to try and get out of it by talking to your friends about hanging out or something."

They all grumbled and continued to eat their food. None of them had noticed the look on Penny's face. Although excited for the gala, Penny frowned when she realized something. She hasn't gone shopping for new clothes with Alfred yet, meaning she only has one dress, and this one dress, isn't really gala worthy. After a few moments of thinking, Penny turns to Bruce and shyly mentions her problem.

"Um, Bruce..."

He turns to look at her, "Yes?"

"I only have one dress, and I don't think it's very, um... gala worthy..."

Bruce nods his head in understanding before turning to Alfred, "Well Alfred, I think it's time you take Penny to the mall to get her a dress for the gala, along with a new wardrobe, just like we talked about." He turns to Penny, "Is that alright with you?"

Slightly startled by the fact that her big shopping trip is today she nods her head, not being able to find the words.

Before anyone else can speak though, Dick speaks, "Can I come?! I want to help!"

Immediately agreed all saying something along the lines of, "Me too!"

Then Alfred speaks, "You all can come, as long as it's ok with Miss Penny."

A smile grace's Penny's face. Shocked at the fact that they want to go shopping with her, for her, Penny agrees, "Um... yeah. I'd love for you guys to come, besides I might need a little help. I've never been to a gala, and I haven't... you now, gone shopping for a while."

For the rest of breakfast everyone happily talks, excited for the day's events. The boys are happy to do something fun for and with Penny before the night of the dreaded gala, Alfred is happy that Penny is happy, Bruce is happy that Penny's ok with him getting her things she needs/deserves, and Penny's happy about a lot. First she's excited for the gala, even of the boys try to tell her they're boring and no fun at all, second, she gets new clothes which she so desperately needs (and wants), and lastly she's happy that her family wants to do it with her. It's been a long time since she's had a family, and she's so happy to finally have one again.


Penny hadn't been to a mall in years, the last time she went was to get a gift for her Aunt's birthday, and that was years ago. She thought she remembered what it looked like, but she wasn't even close. It was like it had grown in size, and there where decorations and stores, she's never seen or heard of before. She couldn't help but be amazed and slip in a wow or two, here and there.

"What store do you want to go to first, Penny?" Bruce asks, looking at her awed face.

Penny snaps out of her admiring, and turns to him. She thinks for a moment. She can't even remember what stores are in the mall. Her cheek turning pink she answers, "I... I don't remember what stores are here... Um, you can pick."

Seeing her discomfort, Bruce turns to the boys, "You thinks Macy's will be a good start?"

Everyone nods in agreement, and they take off. The boys are ahead in the group, Alfred walks with them, while Bruce and Penny stay at the back of the group. As the pair follow the boys through the mall to Macy's, Penny looks around at all the stores and people. Though there surprisingly aren't that many for the weekend. She spots stores she remembers, and stores she's never heard of, and in her head she makes a list of all the shops she wants to go into.

"When was the last time you where here?" Bruce asks her suddenly.

Penny looks up at him, "Last time I was here I was... 10. I wanted to get something for my Aunt May's birthday, so my Uncle Ben took me here... After she died we didn't come back, and then I never got the chance to because Uncle Ben died not long after. Then the foster home never took us to the mall."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Aunt May and Uncle Ben would be happy that I get to go with my new family."

As those words left Penny's mouth she realized what she said. She shut her mouth and looked to the ground, as her face went bright red. Bruce stopped as well. She called them her new family. A big, bright smile grew on his face. He put his hand on Penny's shoulder and said something she'll never forget.

"I think of you as family too, you're like the daughter I never had, and I am so very happy to hear that you think of us as family too."

Penny smiles at him, and they continue walking.


From the mall Penny got way more than she expected.

16 dresses (fancy-casual)
12 skirts (fancy-casual)
4 white button down shirts
8 pairs of dress pants and dress shirts
20 pairs of jeans
20 pairs of shorts
10 pairs of leggings
10 pairs of sweatpants
12 long sleeve shirts
12 t-shirts
12 tank tops
8 jackets
12 hoodies
16 zip sweaters
8 pull over sweaters
4 cardigans
4 pairs of boots
8 pairs of sneakers
6 pairs of heels
20 pairs of bras/underwear

This amount of clothes she had never seen the likes of, and quiet frankly she feels that they went a bit overboard. Her new clothes ranged from every pattern, color, style, fabric, or graphic. At least now she has more to choose from, but it's also not a good thing, because it's going to take her much longer to decide on an outfit.

The boys helped her put her new clothes into the dresser, and closet. Well, mainly Dick and Tim helped. Jason and Damien where having to much fun trying to make outfits for Penny to wear. But it was a good thing too, because they helped her pick out what she was going to wear to the gala. It's a beautiful lilac dress that falls to her knees, with lace all over, paired with a pair of silver heels.

Penny couldn't be more content with her life and new family. Now she just has to figure out how to tell them about everything she knows about them, and her powers.

A/N: I know I said Aunt May died when Penny was 13, and that's when she got her powers, but I'm changing that. She got her powers when she was 10, and that's when her aunt and uncle died too, because to me it doesn't make sense for her to have only been in the first system for 3 years, from all the things that I've written.

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