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The next morning Penny woke up extra early. She has a few things she wants to do before she has to go to school and get on the bus to the Hall of Justice, and she doesn't want to be late. She hadn't set out her clothes, because who needs to when you don't have many, but also because she just wants to take a shower and figure it out afterwards. Besides she's got an extra hour.

Penny hopped into the shower, and it only took her about 15 to finish up and get out. Once she was out she wrapped herself in a towel, dried her hair, and went out to pick out an outfit that looks good with a bright yellow blazer. Once Penny got her outfit, which consisted of blue jeans, converse, and a science pun t-shirt, she made her way back into the bathroom. She used the blow dryer to dry her hair, she brushed it, and then put a few clips in her hair. Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she went back out to her room, and made sure she had everything. Since she doesn't have any classes today, all Penny needs to bring is lunch, a few pencils, her phone, a notebook, and like five bucks. Maybe the Hall of Justice has a gift shop.

Penny puts one of her yellow blazers on, grabs her bag and her phone, and makes her way out of her room and into the kitchen. No one was in the hallway, and she didn't run into anyone on her way there. Only Alfred, Artemis, Superboy, and Kalder are there, it is a little early for everyone else. 

"Penny, what are you wearing?" Alfred asks, looking at the horrible yellow blazer she has on.

Penny looks down and smiles, "Oh, yeah. This is my..." When she looks at the patch on the breast pocket she realizes that this is in fact not her field trip blazer, but her Academic decathlon blazer. "Oh, I put the wrong one on. I'll be right back."

She can't wear the wrong one on the field trip, they won't let her go if she does. Penny runs out of the kitchen, leaving her stuff behind, and goes straight to her room. She never breaks a sweat. She then grabs the correct blazer, slips that one on, and runs back to the kitchen. To the others that had seen the other blazer, they can't tell that she changed it. It looks like the same yellow blazer that she had on, but apparently it's not. Once there, she receives a strange look, but she doesn't notice, she just goes on to answer Alfred's question.

"This is the school's mandatory field trip blazer. I accidently put on my academic decathlon blazer, and even though they're the same color, I wouldn't be able to go without this specific one. And they're only different by the patches, but I'd still get in trouble, which is dumb. But whatever."

"Your school makes you wear a bright yellow blazer when you go on field trips? And you have more than one?"

"Yeah. They claim the yellow is easiest to spot in a crowd, so you know they don't lose students."

Artemis cuts in, "That is an ungodly bright yellow."

Penny laughs," Yeah it is."


When Penny got to school she quickly said goodbye to the boys and Alfred before making her way over to the rest of the students that happened to be going on the trip as well. it looks like  giant yellow blob... it's blinding. She spotted Ned easily, and he didn't lie. He is in fact wearing a Wonder Woman hat. Penny can't help but feel that it looks amazing on him.

"Hey Ned."

"Hi Penny."

They couldn't really say anything else because then their teacher Mr. Harris called for all the student's attention. 

"Ok everyone! When I call your name say here, and you can go ahead onto the bus! OK? Great!"

Ned turned to Penny, "I'll save you a seat."

"Thanks," she replies smiling.

It took a while for Mr. Harris to get to the P section of the names. Though as soon as he said Penny's name she ran up to him, smiled, said here, and ran onto the bus. This is going to be a long bus ride, and she really wants to just sit next to Ned. She also wants to get away from Flash who was taunting her from the crowd, and since his last name starts with T, she can avoid him easier, and he gets to sit in the front of the bus. Unlike herself, because Ned traded seats with Connor Applebaum.

Penny plops herself down in the seat next to Ned and once again repeats the words, "Hi Ned."

In total the bus ride was about an hour and a half. Penny and Ned, had fun though. They talked, laughed, made jokes, and even had a conversation with MJ. He happened to be sitting in the seat in front of the two. Penny can't help but feel that Ned traded with Applebaum on purpose so that she could sit behind and talk to her crush. 

Penny couldn't help but think MJ looks really cute in the school's yellow blazer. If you were to ask her, she'd say that the yellow makes his eyes pop. 

Thankfully though, Penny was able to keep calm during their conversation, and not make a fool out of herself just because she has a crush on him. He's really nice, and sarcastic, and he even asked Penny if she wanted to sit next to him on the way back. That question had startled her, and she stuttered the answer yes, but other than that, it was great. 


When Midtown High had finally gotten to the Hall of Justice, everyone was jumping out of their seats. Metaphorically, of course. Penny felt as if she could feel everyone's excitement. When they all filed off the bus, they were split into four different groups. Penny's group was the smallest, but she loved it the best. There's no Flash, and there is MJ and Ned.

 The tour was really fun. They got to learn about the different rooms, the superheroes, and even a little science. During the science part, her tour guide had no idea what she was talking about. You could tell because she read everything off of note cards, made faces at what she was saying, and didn't pronounce the words correctly. Penny and Ned thought it was really funny because MJ, under his breath, would correct her and say the word correctly. Penny could have sworn she saw him smile at her giggling. But she couldn't be to sure, her senses are going all over the place. There's a lot going on, weapons, technology, and they've seen a few supers from behind glass. Also, she is still being watching by the Young Justice.

Though something about their tour was special. The tour guide said that their school group was chosen for a 'backstage' look to the Hall of Justice. They'd get to go inside a room and meet a few members of the Justice League! 

So lunch was filled with excitement. Everyone was buzzing with excitement and talking about what could happen while meeting them.

Penny, Ned, and MJ talked about which superheroes they were hoping to meet. Ned wants to meet Wonder Woman, MJ wants to meet the Flash, and Penny wants to meet Batman. If only she knew...

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