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School for Penny had been easy. One of the only things that bothered her as her day went on was the fact that her spider sense was telling her she was being watched. Of course she knew that it was the Young Justice watching her, but that didn't mean that her senses would calm down any time soon. The other thing that bothered her was Flash. Thankfully today he only called her Puny in the hallways, nothing else, for it would have been very bad if she when she got home they all confronted her about being bullied and beaten up. 

Penny, Ned, and MJ at lunch talked about the field trip to the Hall of Justice the next day. None of them could contain their excitement. Penny, even though her love of superheroes isn't as big as everyone else's, couldn't help but agree that a field trip to the Hall of Justice is literally the coolest thing ever. 


The dismissal bell had finally rung and everyone was happily leaving school. Penny had to make a quick pit stop at her locker, and so did Ned. It was great for the two friends to have lockers right next to each other, because that meant that it was a lot easier to meet in the mornings and in the afternoon. Also, Penny has to tell Ned that the Young Justice is protecting all the Wayne's because Ned is coming over after decathlon practice so the two can work on a science project. Quickly Penny stuffed everything she needs into her backpack, texts Alfred about the meeting and Ned coming over after, and turns to face him. Once Ned is done he turns to Penny, but just looks at her. He's ready to go to the decathlon meeting, but he knows there's something she wants to say.

"What?" Ned asks.

"So there's something I need to tell you, and I need to tell you because if I don't you're just going to find out when we get back to the Wayne's to work on the project."

"Ok, shoot. What do I need to know?"

"Ok so the Young Justice team are protecting all of us because Bruce got a threat against his kids. So the Young Justice team are at the house and even watching all of us during and after school to make sure no one tries to get us."

Ned's jaw dropped.

"WHAT!? Oh my gosh that is so cool! Mean part of it isn't, but the other part is!"

"Yeah, I know. You have to promise not to freak out when we get back ok?"

"OK. OK, I promise."

"Good, now lets get to practice."


Practice was good like always, and since she and Flash were in a room with a good amount of kids and two teachers, he wasn't able to say or do anything about the fact that Penny was much more skilled at all of this than he is. He wasn't able to say anything to her after because she grabbed Ned and booked it. When the two friends got outside, there Alfred was, waiting for them in the Wayne limo. She ran up to the car and Ned got in before her. Just as she was about to get inside the car, MJ called out to her.

"Hey, Midtown's professional wallflower!"

Penny's head snapped up and she turned to face the boy, her face bright red. A small smile formed on her lips, "Yes, MJ?"

He jogged over to her holding something in his hands, "You left this at practice. Flash was going to take it after he saw you leave, but I got to it first."

He hands her the notebook and Penny blushes. It's her book she doodles in when she's bored, and if MJ were to look past the first few pages he'd see a few of his own face. That is something she does not want him seeing, and the fact that she left it behind and Flash was going to take it! Oh, she'd never be able to get passed it. She takes the book from his hands and flashes him a smile, face still bright red.

"Thanks, MJ. Um... I'll see you tomorrow for the... the... um... field trip," she says awkwardly.

He flashes her a confident smile, "See you then, Pen. Bye!"


She watches for a few moments as he walks away, and climbs back into the car. She buckles her seat belt and her face falls into her hands. She groans loudly. I mean Ned and Alfred heard everything that happened, and she is so embarrassed. She did that in front of her crush, her best friend, Alfred, and whatever Young Justice members happened to be watching her at school. Plus, Ned is laughing at her. She looks up at Ned and scowls at him.

"Stop laughing Ned. I... I just made a fool out of myself in front of him!"

Ned laughs, "You did not make a fool out of yourself."

She shakes her head and turns away from Ned, finally giving Alfred her attention. "Afternoon, Alfred. This is my best friend, Ned."

A smile is already plastered across his face, "Afternoon, Miss Penny, Master Ned... Miss Penny, would you like me to turn on the AC? You look mighty warm."

Penny's eyes widen and she once again covers her face with her hands, highly embarrassed. Ned starts laughing, and so does Alfred. Penny can only tell because she can hear his low chuckle. If it's somehow possible, Penny's face gets even more red than before. The time after school today has not been favoring her in any way. 


When the three of them got to Wayne manor, Ned could not keep the look of awe and astonishment off his face. Penny was snigering at him, and Alfred just had a knowing look. I mean Penny did the same thing when she first got here, and it must be a common reaction between everyone who comes to Bruce's home. Ned excitedly whispers to Penny as the pair follow Alfred up the front stairs and into the mansion. The first thing Penny sees is all of the Young Justice and the Wayne boys staring at her and Ned. 

Right, she forgot to tell them that Ned was going to come over after school to work on a project.

She smiles and gives a wave before nudging Ned out of his admiring gaze of the magnificent interior decor of the mansion. His eyes widen slightly at seeing all of them staring at the pair. He doesn't say anything, he lets Penny do the talking. He may have been warned about them all being here, but actually being in the same room as all of them is exciting and stressful at the same time.

"Hi, yeah... I forgot to tell you but this is my best friend Ned, and he's here to work on a very important science project with me."

The Young Justice all nods their heads, and it's Damien who speaks up next, "This is Ned... He's not as impressive as I thought he would be."

Penny's mouth drops open at Damien's words. Ned, he does not get a confidence boost and you can tell because his shoulders dropped and so did his mouth.

"Damien! You better apologize right this instant. That was an extremely rude and mean thing to say!" Penny says almost yelling, anger laced in her voice. 

Damien deflates at the look on her face and from the tone of her voice. She is right, he shouldn't have said that, especially not in front of his face. There's an apologetic look on his face as he realizes the severity of his mistake. Ned looks utterly defeated from the simple comment, and Penny looks as if steam will come out of her ears. "I'm sorry Ned." 

Ned just nods at him.

Penny grabs his hand, "We're going upstairs to get to work. See you later."

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