Don't Make Me Regret It

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Thank you all for 17,000+ reads and almost 1,000 votes! You're all awesome. :)

I should've done this a long time ago, but I've attached a photo of some of the cast in Archangel. Unfortunately there wasn't enough room in the picture for Spencer. :(

Enjoy the chapter!



Scarlett's POV

"Hey you." Charlie smirked as I walked into the hospital room. "Couldn't stay away, could ya?"
"I guess not." I joked, sitting down next to him. He was sitting up in the bed, a little of his stomach and the bandage visible, as the hospital shirt didn't do that great a job of covering. "How're you feeling?"
"I'd feel a lot better if you zapped me with some of that magic healing stuff."
"Shhh!" I hissed, annoyed with him for saying anything about it in a public place, even though no one was around. "You cannot tell anyone, do you understand me?" I said in the sternest voice I could.

"Yes ma'am." Charlie replied. "Y'know, I meant what I said about helping you."
"Okay, how do you propose to help me?"
"How do you do what you do? Do you plan anything?"
"I come here and heal people who need it."
"So no plan." Charlie confirmed.
"Not really."
"I figured." Charlie grinned, looking at me with sparking eyes. "See, I could plan your 'outings', so to speak. I'm good with that type of thing. I could tell you if there's someone who needs you more, in the hospital or not."
"No." I turned him down flat, not needing any help. "I don't even know you."

"My name is Charlie Ryan Dawson, I work at Wayne Enterprises, I'm twenty-six years old and was born in London, England."
"Okay." I replied. "Still tells me nothing." Charlie sighed, not saying anything.
"Do you know Batman?"
"No." I answered almost honestly.
"What about-"


I lay on my bed upside-down, my legs up the wall, texting Dick again.

To Dick Grayson: Can you do me a favour?

From Dick Grayson: Sure.

To Dick Grayson: Find out as much as you can about Charlie.

From Dick Grayson: Uh, okay? Why?

To Dick Grayson: I'm just curious.

From Dick Grayson: Okay.

I almost cringed at the last few texts, at my pitiful reason to find out all this information, because it was just about some guy, as far as Dick knew.

A couple hours later, Dick texted me again.

From Dick Grayson: I snagged his work file from Bruce's computer.

I gasped, really happy that he pulled through for me.

To Dick Grayson: Thank you!! You're the best.

From Dick Grayson: I know. ;)

With that text, a PDF file was attached, which I emailed to myself and opened on my computer.

Charles Ryan Dawson

Born: London, England.
Age: 26
Birthday: June 6th, 1989
Address: 132 Kensington Street, Gotham, N9V 6A8
Social Insurance Number: 475-879-2308
Division of Wayne Enterprises: Weapons and Technologies, assistant manager.
Emergency Contacts:
Owen Dawson (Brother)
Telephone number: 1-876-564-1290
Address: 56 Shaver Ave, Central City, C8S 1D4

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