Sexy All Day, Every Day

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Hey guys! [and girls (I checked the demographics and most of you are girls, apparently) Am I right? 'Tbh' I say 'guys' to address a group, even if they're all girls {don't be offended}. If I say 'hey girls' I feel like I'm in gym class and I'm generalizing that there are no guys.]

Robyn_1026 won the contest and there was a runner up who hasn't gotten back to me yet about a character, but when they do I'll put them in as a character in another chapter.


I've changed Charlie's living arrangements. He lives in a house.

So dangerous_dreaming and I were wondering if any of you reading Archangel read her book, the Arsenal's Chaos as well? Comment if you do.

We were curious if we share readers.

That's all.



Dick's POV

   I sat cross-legged on the love seat in my bedroom, an unstoppable grin on my face. Today was probably the best day I'd had all year, and it was only January.

Scarlett Donovan was my girlfriend. I had the most beautiful girlfriend in all of Gotham City, I decided. If anyone disagreed, they belonged in Arkham Asylum.

I cracked a grin, thinking about how lucky I was. I realized I should probably call my friend in Central City, Wally West, and tell him about Scarlett, because he'd definitely want to know. Wally was the biggest flirt I knew, and his mind was almost always on either food or girls. I got up to retrieve my phone on my desk, quickly changing into boxers and pulling my shirt off before I climbed into bed and made the call.

   "S'up Grayson?" Wally's voice made me grin and I tucked my hand behind my head, stretching my tricep.
"Ah-- hey, man." I smiled, sighing.
"Oh God, what happened?" He joked.
"Oh y'know-- got a girlfriend. No big deal."

"Oh." Wally replied. "Like that girl Taylor? I thought--"
"We weren't really dating anyways, but no, it's not her. If I've neglected to tell you, you must have heard of Scarlett Donovan, from the news or something, yeah?"

"The girl that everyone from the Gazette thinks is your girlfriend?" Wally asked and I laughed. "The hot ginger?"

My smile melted, a weird feeling in my chest.

   "Yeah, her." I said back shortly.
"Dude, what?" Wally laughed. "What's wrong?"
"Nothin'." I sighed. "I'm actually pretty happy. Scarlett's my girlfriend."
"Oh, sweet!"
"Have you slept with her yet?"

My eyes bulged for a second, repeating the question in my mind.

"God, no!" My head recoiled, not entirely shocked that he would say something like that. "Can ya keep your head out of the gutter for five minutes?"
"Probably not."
I scoffed with laughter.
"Okay then, 'least you're honest."
"But let's be real for a sec--" Wally interjected. "You haven't-- y'know--?"

   "No!" I repeated.

"Why're you getting upset, man?"

"I don't know. I'm not, really." I huffed, sitting up in my bed. "We just got together today, I'm not going to just throw myself at her if she's not ready." Wally was quiet for a moment. "What kind of man would that make me, if I did the exact same thing that some men I put my life on the line to stop, do?"

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