The New Kid on the Block

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Scarlett's POV

When I got to school, I glanced around, surveying the area. There were a lot of students there. I spotted a couple students that looked like grade tens and watched them. I figured when the bell rang, I would just follow the herd to wherever it was we congregated to find out who was in who's class. I waited for a while, standing awkwardly until a couple girls that looked my age approached me.

"Hi." One said.


"What's your name?"

"Scarlett Donavan." I replied.

"Huh." Said the blonde. "Interesting name."

"It's kinda weird." The other one, a brunette, muttered under her breath, yet I heard her. I was Irish, and not many recognised that 'Donovan' was, most people assumed I was Celtic because of my bright ginger hair.

"Thanks." I said sarcastically, glaring at her.

"I mean, it's good." She attempted to take it back, but I didn't really care. Many people thought my name was weird. I, on the other hand, liked it. We Celts have Coats of Arms for every family and all that jazz.


"I'm Katie, and this is Emma." The blonde girl said.


"We're in grade twelve. You?" Emma told me.


"Maybe we'll be in the same class." Katie said, faking happiness.

God, I hope not, I thought as the bell rang. "We're meeting in Gym B." I reluctantly followed them into the school, down the hall and into the gymnasium. It took a few minutes for everyone to sit down and be quiet. Once everyone was seated, a teacher whose name I didn't know, started calling names. Mine was one of them. I stood up, moving towards the teacher.

From there, we were led to the classroom. I glanced around, and to my great dismay, Katie and Emma were in the class. The teacher's name was Ms. Smith. How generic a name.

"You guys can pick your seats, and we'll get lockers sorted out later." She said. I smiled to myself. Hopefully everyone would leave the new kid alone. When I got in, I was sad to see all the desks in pairs. I chose one at the back of the room, next to a window. A boy, tall and black haired, asked in a deep voice if he could sit next to me.

I shrugged. He let out a breath and sat. I looked at him, studying his face. He had long-ish floppy black hair, with bright blue eyes. He had broad shoulders and his arms were extremely muscular. I could tell he was super fit without looking under his t-shirt. I surveyed the rest of the class, deciding he was the best looking boy in the room, except for maybe a cute boy with hipster glasses and a 'Metallica' t-shirt.

"I'm Scarlett Donovan." I murmured. He looked at me. His eyes were even prettier when he was looking at me.

"Dick Grayson."

"Like, Richard?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied. I heard a girlish squeal, and I looked over to Emma and Katie. They were clearly gossiping, their hands covering their mouths as they whispered in each other's ears, their eyes flitting from us then back to each other's. I rolled my eyes.

"Please." I muttered under my breath as they both looked at me and Dick.

"Hm?" Dick murmured, his eyes flicking back to me.

"Katie and Emma are gossiping about us, I'll bet you five bucks." I said, clenching my fists. I really didn't like them, and I'd known them for half an hour.

I mean, it was nice of them to come greet me, but they were acting nice instead of their emotions being genuine.

"Probably." Dick replied. "I say let them. They're not going anywhere in life." I chuckled quietly at that, grinning. I was starting to like this boy, and I was usually terrible at making friends. His personality seemed very similar to mine.

"Still bugs me." I said, giving my cold stare to the two. Emma and Katie's grins turned to scowls. The two boys in front of us turned around.

"Gray-son!" The blonde with glasses said.

"Spenc-er!" He replied playfully.

"Hi, I'm Benji Mumford." said the spiky brown haired boy.

"Hi." I said to the two of them. Ms. Smith clapped her hands, and our attention was focused on her.

She told us a little bit about herself, told us the curriculum, handed out forms and syllabuses. The rest of the day was boring. I ate lunch outside, by myself. When the bell rang to go home, I jogged back to the apartment. I needed to do some stuff before I went out tonight. When I got into the apartment, I found Clove curled up on the carmel coloured couch. I sighed and ignored her, letting her sleep, even though I didn't like her on the couch. I brought my satchel over to my black desk, pulling out my laptop and school papers.

As I did, I accidentally cut my finger on the edge of the white sheet. "Crap." I murmured, seeing blood appear. I looked down on it, and willed it to heal. In an instant, the cut was gone.


So yeah, this chapter's kind of short. Sorry. I have around ten more chapters written and I'm not slowing down though. :)


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