The Phoenix

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I'm actually so sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've been hella busy. I've had basically no time to write. :(

Just to clarify, as bookworms56 brought to my attention, Wally West is Kid Flash, Iris West's nephew. Iris West is Barry Allen's girlfriend.

By the way, I'm probably going to make a playlist for Scarlett and put it on 8tracks. It will feature the song above, and this chapter uses it too. The picture is a drawing I did (on my math homework) of Scarlett's arm in her Archangel uniform.


I don't know whose idea it was, but somehow I got roped into going back to Team Arrow's Base -or as they called it- the Foundry. Part of me was getting tired, really just wanting to go home, but most of me loved the company of Felicity, Laurel, John and now Oliver, who was waiting for us in the base.
"Are you guys going out tonight, or what?" I murmured, looking around the bright space, noticing Roy wasn't there.
"Roy's patrolling, he'll be back in a bit." Oliver replied, leaning on the metal table behind him. "I have something for you." Oliver moved to pull a large box out from under Felicity's desk, setting it on the table.

I did my best to hold back a snort of laughter when I saw the little pink bow on the top, but it didn't work too well. As I walked over to the table, I started laughing out loud.
"What?" Oliver breathed, a hint of laughter in his voice.
"What is that?"
"Open it!"
"Fine!" I joked, beginning to peel the away tape that held the box shut. Once that was out of the way, I lifted the lid, seeing something that looked like my suit-- but it wasn't my suit. I pulled it out gently, holding it out in front of me, unable to speak. What it was, was a new, improved and freaking awesome version of my Archangel uniform.

Firstly, this one was made of a clearly more durable material, almost like a mix of latex and leather. I had no clue if it was any good for flexibility, but I would try it on to see. The wings, though they were supposed to be, were by far the most impressive element of the uniform-- blood red that looked as though they were the wings on an angel about to take flight, the white on their tips accenting them perfectly. Looking at this new suit made me think of how crappy mine was, that still had the hole in the shoulder from Oliver's arrow. This one was just really good quality. I grinned in delight as I saw the matching mask and boots in the box, and I turned to Oliver.

"Uh--" My mouth finally made some noise.
"Do you like it?"
I snorted.
"Do I like it?!" I shrieked. "What do you think?!" I was shocked he had to ask. "I love it! It's awesome!" I set the one-piece down, going over to impulsively hug Oliver. I pulled back, smirking in triumph, as what I just did was something I'd been waiting to do for a while. I could tease Robin about how 'I hugged the Green Arrow, haha'. "Thank you."
"No, thank you. It's the least we could do." Oliver said in reply.
"Go try it on!" Laurel told me, so I took the suit to the bathroom. I put it on, and hot damn did it feel good wearing it.

I could move so freely, like I wasn't wearing the leathery material that I was. I stepped out, drawing a quiet whistle from John.
"Wow. That looks good on you." He said. I felt the saucy retort rising in my throat, and before I could stop it, I spoke.
"I know." I winked at him, clicking my tongue, making him chuckle.
"Does it feel good on?" Oliver asked.
"Yep." I said back, turning. "Let's see if I can fight in it." Oliver arched his eyebrow, a sort of mischievous look in his eyes.
"I was kind of hoping you'd say that."
"I know you're a very proficient fighter, so can you do me a favour and teach me something I don't know."

"Okay--" He started softly, uncrossing his arms. "What do you know?" I didn't answer him immediately, because I wasn't sure how to explain the skills I was leading from the angelic Master of Combat in Heaven.
"I know a fair amount..."
"So you know basic escapes?"
"Of course." I scoffed. Suddenly Oliver jolted forward to grab me by the wrist. I instinctively planted my feet, and made my hand into a fist, yanking it away. I hooked my foot around his ankle, and pulled, trying to knock him off his feet. Oliver had to jump back and put his weight on his other foot to regain balance.

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