Chapter Forty: Schemes

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A cranky Thor was seated in the great hall of Asgard, disappointment of not claiming as much blood as he'd hoped during his visit to Midgard. While his people revelled through partying and feasting, he remained silent throughout the entire festival. Hippolyta was imprisoned in the dungeon, awaiting for her to come to her rescue. She wasn't entirely alone. Being left in the company of prisoners who were lucky to be spared rather than killed by Thor's might.

Thor's closest friends sought is company, forcing the God of Thunder and Lightning to subject his attention onto them rather than how he could've plotted their siege on Themyscira better. The Asgardian warriors all ate and drank as they pleased all the while Thor's lack of appetite only grew to the point he had to leave in order to escape the rowdiness of his fellow Vikings.

The ginger-haired Viking found no peace at all, not even walking out of his own party. One of his most faithful companions took notice of this and went to talk to him about why he was looking so glum. While Thor wasn't exactly the most open person, they were somebody he could confide in.

"My liege, the party is still warm yet you coldly leave us of your company." The Asgardian spoke up, slightly drunk.

"You have been such a dear friend to me, and a patriot to Asgard, Sif. I am grateful to call you my friend. Be clear to your intentions with me... am I doing what's right for Asgard?" Thor responded grimly, almost sounding on the brink of tears.

"Sire, the good of Asgard falls in your hands. Loki is your family. What good is a king if he does not have his loyal subjects by his side? If you are to prevail, you must flush out the pitiful insects that have taken whom you hold dear and make them answer for their treachery against the crown and Asgard."

With his purpose refilled, Thor stormed off to the dungeon with the intent of interrogating the Amazon queen. Hippolyta had anticipated the presence of the God of Thunder. His loud footsteps were given away by his demeanour and his fatness when he appeared in sight, approaching her cell window.

"So you finally decided to show your face... Oh, how Odin would be ashamed to see you now, child." Hippolyta acknowledged the chubby Asgardian prince.

"By your misfortune, the Allfather is... indisposed right now. I, however, am here to take his place as the rightful king of Asgard. Therefore I, Thor Odinson, am judge, jury and executioner. Speak wisely or forever... grasp your eternal rest or however you Midgardians say it. Look, there's just one thing I must know. Where. Is. Loki?" 

Defiantly, she hocked saliva and spat on the floor. 

"You won't make me talk." 

Thor clenched his jaw and reached for his hammer, patting the face of his signature weapon in his palm, taunting the blonde woman of what he intended to do to her. 

"You don't have to talk. But I will make you bleed..." 


Without a ruler, there was chaos. Themyscira was facing possibly the worst moment in its history as all the women were in feud of what was to become of their home without Diana willing to temporarily take her place as queen. The Amazons needed a ruler and Diana was not in the right headspace to fulfil that role. Through the comfort of her husband, she was able to find some momentary peace with the conflict swelling within her. 

"... my mother is out there in only Hera knows where. (Y/n). We have to find her. Do you understand me?!" Diana yelled in frustration of not being able to do anything. 

(Y/n) sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose as he struggled to even find the words to comfort her at that moment while she was pacing back and forth with her hands fidgeting either through her hair or by her sides or in front of her with the ring on her finger. 

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