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          " WHAT HAPPENED? " WAS the first thing Dick asked as he pulled himself back up to his feet

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          " WHAT HAPPENED? " WAS the first thing Dick asked as he pulled himself back up to his feet. His eyes scanned the group's surroundings, trying to understand how things went so wrong. 

" She tried to kill my daughter. " Angela was quick to interject, her arms still wrapped around Rachel. Fear was still clear in both of their eyes'. Rachel was clutching her throat, pain in her face.

" I was trying to help Kory get her memories back. " Rachel explained, her breathing still ragged. She looked over at the unconscious Kory, a disappointed look on her face.  " I must have done something wrong. "

" No, none of this is your fault. " Angela reassures, and she was right. No one had any idea that Kory was able to react this way. It seemed so out of character. A few more moments pass before Gar noticed Donna who was looming over Kory while grabbing her lasso.

" The lasso... " He said, awe in his voice. " You're her, aren't you? " He asked, a small smile growing on her. Of course, Gar could find any moment to fangirl.

" I'm an old friend of Ryan's. " Donna replies, to which Dick sent her an offended look. Ryan chuckled at the interaction. " And Dick's. "

" You're Wonder Girl. " Gar breathes out.

" I was. " Donna retorts, glancing over at the boy.

" Now, she is too busy being the coolest girl in New York. " Ryan adds, hoping to bring an end to Gar's questions. She knew that this was a touchy topic and, even though Gar meant well, he can be quite pushy. Donna sends Ryan a small smile before Kory lets out a groan. She groggily lifts herself up to a sitting position. Her eyes wander around the room, it was clear she was just as confused as the rest of them.

" What's going on? " Kory asked.

" You tried to kill Rachel. " Dick informs.

" What? " She said, her voice full of disbelief. " I would never do that. "

" Well, the bruises forming on Rachel's neck kind of beg to differ. " Ryan says, sending a point over to Rachel. She was still very shaken up by the events that just took place.

" I want this woman out of my house. " Angela demanded, her arms pulling Rachel closer towards herself.

" Okay, just hold on a sec - " Dick said, whipping his head towards the enraged mother.

" Now, god damn it. " She snapped, cutting him off. The sudden anger in her voice took the group by surprise. It was shocking to see the demure women suddenly have so much animation in voice. The group all share awkward glances, unsure of where to go from here. Kory's eyes dart between Rachel and Angela, worry etched on her features. It was clear that Kory's guilt was starting to crush her.

" Rachel. " Kory starts to say, only for Rachel to fearfully scramble away from her. " I am so sorry. " She added. Everyone just stares back at the women, unsure how to navigate the situation. Ryan felt bad for everyone involved. She knew what it was like to be in Kory's shoes. To cause damage to those you love without meaning to. She also knew what it was like to be hurt by someone you trusted. It was a horrible situation to be in. " I have to go. " She announced before striding out of the house.

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