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          " WELL, WE HAVE TO TRY and find a way in

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          " WELL, WE HAVE TO TRY and find a way in. " Ryan spoke, eyes glued on the translucent wall in front of them. " There is no way it handle the force of all three of us. "

" Uh, yeah there is. " Donna retorted, causing Ryan and Kory to turn and give the women a pointed look. " Don't look at me like that, you know I am right. " She added. " This looks like some sort of magic, okay? Even superman has a weak spot for magic. "

" We can't just stand here and twidle our thumbs. " Ryan snapped back before turning back around to face the force field. She took a deep breath and raised her fist and throws a punch towards the veil. Before she is able to make contact Donna runs in front of her and catches her hand in her own, letting out a groan in the process.

" What the fuck, Donna? "

" I am not going to let you possibly shatter your arm for no reason. "

" It's not even possible for me to shatter my arm! "

" We don't know that, Ryan. " She retorted, hastily releasing Ryan's hand from her own. She let out a sigh as she gave her hand a few small shakes, hoping the ache will fade away

" Aw, what? Did I hurt your hand?" Ryan asked, fake sympathy in her voice which caused Donna to send the younger women an annoyed look. Kory rolled her eyes at the two bickering, finding it useless. She, silently, raised her hand and began to blast large flames in the direction of the veil. It appeared to be doing no damage, but Kory was still in denial. She blasts at the wall, once again and it was made even more apparent that her efforts were useless.

" Would you just stop blasting it? You're wasting all your power. " Donna stated, rolling her eyes at her peer.

" Rachel is in there. " Kory breathes out, desperation in her voice. " Anything could be happening to her. "

" Says the women who was sent here to kill her. " Donna retorted. " Okay, now that she, Dick, and Gar are in there with some intergalactic demon, maybe you could try something that might actually work. "

" Like, what, Donna? Or were you hoping the sheer force ofyour criticism would save her? "

" At least I'm not draining my powers just because I can't sit still. " Donna spits back, taking a strong step towards Kory.

" Says the Titan who quit. " Kory snaps back, at her words Ryan takes a caution step between the two. It was obvious that the two were about to come to blows.

" Okay, guys, let's all just chill out. " Ryan said, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. " Us all arguing or fighting with one another isn't going to help us. " She explains, eyes falling back on the wall. " There has to be a reason why Dick got in there and we couldn't. "

" So what are we suppose to do? " Kory asked.

" I think Donna is right. We can't just hope we can bust through it, we have to wait until we have an opening. " At Ryan's words Donna send the two women a condesending smile. " Stop looking at me like that. "

Just as Donna opens her mouth to say a snide remark, a truck pulls up to the house. Ryan's heart swells with hope as she sees Jason, Donna, and Hank hop out of the vehicle. Without another word she jogs up to Dawn, and embraces her in arms.

" Oh my god, I am so glad you are okay. " Ryan muttered, pulling away after a few moments.

" Yeah, me too. " Dawn mutters, smiling down at her old friend. " It's good to see you little goddess. " Ryan smiled at her words before turning to Hank, the small smile still on her face.

" It's good to see you, squirt. " Hank says.

" Good to see you too, gigantor. "

" Hello, what about me? " Jason asked, taking a step in front of Ryan's view.

" What the fuck is that? And why it is wearing Dick's costume? " Donna questions.

" The new and improved Robin, " Jason brags.

" The annoying new Robin. " Hank corrects.

" His name is Jason. " Ryan states, turning back to look at her best friend. " I am happy to see you too. " She says, before pulling him in for a quick hug which Jason happily accepted. He had hoped that his feelings for Ryan would fade from the distance but he was wrong. The moment he laid eyes on her if was like she never left. The butterflies he felt in his stomach when she hugged him only confirmed it all.

" Why are you guys here? " Donna asked.

" Uh, Rachel got inside of her head at the hospital. " Hank explains, sending a glance in Dawn's direction.

" Yeah, I think she woke me up from my coma. " Dawn states. " She's in there, isn't she? "

" Yeah. " Ryan confirms. " And so is Dick and Gar. "

" So what the fuck is going on here? " Hank asked.

" Rachel's father is a being called Trigon. If we don't get in there and stop him he will destroy your world and move on, destroying countless outhers. Our scripture states Trigon can only fully inhabit your world after he breaks Rachel's heart. " Kory explains.

" We're talking metaphors here, right? " Dawn says, a naive tone in her voice.

" We don't know, but if we don't get through that forecefield and into the house there.. I'm scared we're never gonna find out, " Donna responds, a sigh falling from her lips.

" Kid should've asked us to get fucking Superman. " Hank mutters.

" Hey, I am almost like Superman. " Ryan says, trying to give the others some hope. Hank couldn't help but a grin a bit at her words, knowing she was right.

A few moments of silence pass before a large hole opens up in the barrier, causing a blinding white light to flash upon the group.

" Oh, great, that's not concerning. " Hank dead-pans.

" Well, that's our opening. Let's go. " Ryan, quickly, says before running off into the opening.

" Ryan, wait! " Jason calls out, immediatly following after her.

Donna helplessly watches as the two teens run in together.

" Titans? " Donna says, taking a step forward. " Let's go. " She mutters, before the remaing four adults all run off into the light.


hey guys! sorry this is such a short chapter but i really wanted to get one out. we are almost at 9k reads!!! it's so exciting and i am just thankful for each and every one of you.

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