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Once Alfred had left Gordon walked back over to me and now had a file in his hands with my name on it, I sighed hoping that it wasn't photos of what happened with my father and mother but to my surprise it wasn't.

Gordon took some papers out and held them in front of me, I took the paper as my hands shook slightly and read that it was adoption papers.

A wealthy family over in New York had signed to adopt me and they wanted Gordon to bring me over, meaning that Alfred might of took me back to the manor if this paper was never signed.

I gave Gordon the paper back as tears started to prick at my eyes again and he gave me a smile, he hugged me and I soon sobbed whilst he hugged me.

Gordon had told me before that I had gone through so much for how young I was and how mature I was, he told me that I wanted to act older than I was and to live my life as a kid because I was a kid.

"I want to stay in Gotham," I sobbed to Gordon.

I knew he understood how I felt and how betrayed I must of felt that this was signed without my permission but I was too young to agree by the eyes of the law, my father had given up on me and I wasn't allowed to testify in court so I was to meet my new family.

"I know Y/N, I know," Gordon comforted me.

I was now a teenager and lived in New York where crime wasn't as bad but it still existed, there wasn't as many murders and corruption wasn't as big as a problem here luckily.

Corruption lies everywhere though so I knew there would be no where to escape corruption but I still kept my eyes on Gotham, I still read news articles on what was happening there and the news stations often reported on my adoption but luckily they didn't know where I was other than in New York.

Gordon threw himself back into work and was reported on fighting cases like vigilantes that murdered people and people kidnapping kids to possibly sell them into trafficking, it was nice to see Gordon still was trying to fight against corruption but it felt helpless knowing that he was restricted due to his job. 

Falcone owned the GCPD and almost everyone knew it, I would sometimes visit my father whilst he was in prison and notice Falcone sat in the waiting room to talk to him after me but we never spoke.

I sighed and changed into my outfit for my final day at the college I was currently at and then put my headphones on, I still dressed masculine but often couldn't look in the mirror without seeing the reflection of Martha's face smiling at me in a loving way in the mirror.

I hated seeing Martha's face now knowing that I failed to save her, I still attended combat lessons and learnt ways to fight and they offered me lessons with guns and I refused as I only wanted to fight so they couldn't hurt me anymore not kill them.

I saw killing as disgusting and causing problems, it never even solved a problem anyways.

I stand in front of the mirror to see myself in a baggy shirt and trousers that were of a grunge style, I smiled until I saw Martha's face and walked off and started playing music through my headphones that were connected to my phone.

I walked down the stairs and grabbed some toast then walked out of the door as my adopted father came to talk to me, they were kind to me and often offered me support but my father's rule was no therapists or any workers who helped for mental health as if someone found out it would be the end of the family's only good reputation.

I planned on moving back to Gotham when I finished college and I hadn't bought a house yet but knew I would find one easily so I just decided to visit Wayne first, I walked to the train and leaned against the wall listening to my music as I waited for the sub.

Unmask The Past. [Batman/Bruce Wayne x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now