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He turned the camera to look at him and it showed us his masked face with the clear framed glasses that Edward had but I can't think of him now, I had to focus on what was happening now and not think of my personal life.

The angle mostly showed his jacket which was surprisingly clean to say he murdered someone by mostly brute force, he wore a green hoodie underneath the jacket too which confused me as Gotham wasn't cold to the point you would put that many layers on.

"This is the Riddler speaking," He said.

His heavy breathing was steady meaning that the mask must of caused difficulty to breathe but seeing it explained why, it shared the same type of nose bridge as the Batman did however meaning that Riddler had most likely adjusted this mask.

He most of took inspiration from Batman but in all the wrong ways as I was now seeing the similarities that were clearly intentional, he targeted Mayor Mitchell due to him plaguing Gotham with corruption and was an active supporter of it. 

"On Halloween night, I killed your Mayor because he was not who he pretended to be. But I am not done," Riddler continued.

The camera moved but the lighting was bad to see what he was pointing the camera at but I could see some kind of plastic maze and leather straps or something, it was difficult to see what I was looking at and Selena seemed to be struggling to see too.

"Here is another," Riddler spoke.

He moved the camera closer and I saw Pete's face was inside of the plastic maze and felt my heart stop for a second and my eyes widen, you could hear Pete try to beg or talk but it echoed and it sounded like his only source of oxygen came out of that trap as the sounds were muffled.

Holy shit, this was literal torture.

"Who will be soon losing his face."

Pete then started making panicked screaming noises but they were muffled meaning that he had no escape, he was stuck in there and there was tape over his mouth too that said 'no more lies!' on it which only caused my hands to clench.

Selena was stood watching the news with me and she had a neutral face, I was surprised by how unbothered she looked but then remembered she would most likely still be in some form of shock from Anni's disappearance.

"I will kill again, and again, and again. Until our day of judgement," Riddler started low but his voice was beginning to build up.

"When the truth of our city will FINALLY be unmasked," Riddler continued.

He screamed the word finally and spoke in a low tone again after, I took a deep breath as if I was composing myself but I wasn't.

He moved the camera back and he leaned towards Pete and you could see the horror on his face as Riddler was clearly smiling as his eyes were also wide but you could see the joy in his eyes, it weren't a crazed joy though but more of a joy you got when you finally got revenge on someone who had wronged you.


He shoved the camera in Pete's face or well as close as he could get it due to the plastic cage as he started to breath in a panicked manner and his eyes were full of horror, the video then cut off and I could only imagine what happened next.

The news then started talking about Gordon in remembrance of him, they only talked about the good that he did of course which made me fear that Riddler would be watching this and angered by this.

"I've seen this guy too, at the club," Selena spoke.

"Iceberg Lounge?" I ask.

"44 Below," She responds.

Unmask The Past. [Batman/Bruce Wayne x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now