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The colour drained from Adrien's face. "You're lying."

"I assure you I'm not. I know what he's going to use the wish for. He was in possession of the miraculous book. He's very secretive and his logo is a butterfly. I can't believe it took me more than a month of focus to figure it out." Ladybug sighed, not completely understanding Adrien's feelings, it had always been something she struggled with. For her, empathy was hard to come by.

"LB his father is a supervillain he's been fighting. At least coat your words in sugar!" Rena said, gently placing a hand on Chat's shoulder.

"Is there really a way to sugar coat the fact his father keeps his mother in a glass coffin in a basement filled with butterflies in hopes of bringing her back with a wish that could end the world?" She asked with a cold and near dead expression. "Gabriel Agreste is a horrible person and needs to go down. If Chat wishes I can remove him from the process."

"HE WHAT?!" Adrien cried.

Ladybug sighed, extremely tired, she hadn't slept more than 4 hours in a night since 3 months before. She wrapped him in a warm hug, which did not match her expression."it'll be okay... You don't need him. I've never needed parents. You're stronger than you think."

Adrien clutched onto her.

"Awe... You two are so cute." Alya grinned.

"Love someone else Rena." Ladybug rolled her eyes.

"That was too heartfelt for you, where's Ladybug?" Queen Bee asked.

"I believe she's analysing the situation and acting accordingly. You could learn a thing or two Chloe" Ryuuko replied.

Ladybug took her cloak off and put it around Adrien's shoulders as his transformation was released.

"She looks so weird with no cloak." Viperion gasped quietly to Carapace who tried not to laugh at his slightly red face.

"We must act quickly. I have prepared a concrete plan through severe surveying of his residence." Ladybug stated.

"How?" Carapace asked.

"I'm unnoticeable until made known." Ladybug explained. "The real question is you." she looked to Adrien. "Are you up to it? It's okay if not but you will have to hand over the ring." Ladybug said coldly.

Kagami and Luka looked to each other. Ladybug was on a warpath, nothing was stopping her. Hawkmoth would either be behind bars or even dead by the end of the week.

Adrien shook his head and removed his ring, Plagg didn't seem surprised and carried it to Ladybug.

"You may want to detransform Bug." Plagg grinned, he'd felt the deep chaos since the day he saw her, poor Tikki is losing her holder to him and he couldn't be more excited.

"Why would that be Plagg?" She glared, not wanting to reveal herself.

"You can trust these idiots but you gotta trust me too." The black god smirked. "Oh and remove your earrings."

"Excuse me?"

If anyone other than a god was on the other end of her glare, there's no question that they would have shriveled up.

"Trust me on this I swear." Plagg's eyes glistened with mischief.

Seeing his unwavering gaze seemed to have convinced her. "Spots off." She detransformed and handed the earrings to Tikki, not breaking the staring contest between her and the embodiment of destruction.

There were a few gasps but no one was really surprised. 

Plus, no one wanted to be the knife to cut the tension because it could end with the knife at their throats, actually, that was the biggest reason no one reacted.

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