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Damien joined Marinette in her room that night. He could tell that no matter how angry she seemed earlier, that she was actually incredibly hurt.

"He called me a street rat..."

Damien held her close, gently stroking her arm and the too of her back in soothing circles. "You aren't. You're okay... Nothing he said means anything... Okay? You're amazing. The street made you stronger." He kissed her cheek.

Marinette teared up a bit and gripped his shirt.

"You're so much more than that you hear me?" Damien said softly.

Marinette said nothing in response, instead, she nuzzled closer to him.

He knew she didn't want to admit that it hurt. He knew that she wouldn't respond to him. But he also knew that she was listening and it was helping her.

Damien smiled softly and continued, he didn't stop talking to her until he was sure she was asleep, purring softly in his arms.



Damien blinked awake to a cold bed. "Angel?" He stood up. He heard rapid footsteps in the hallway and he quickly went out to investigate. "Marinette?"

She ran straight passed him, Damien snapped into action and tried to run after her but when he got to the wide open front door, snow drifting inside, no cat in sight, he began to panic.

Bruce and Tim had returned from patrol barely an hour before.

He didn't hesitate to burst into his father's room. "She's gone!"

"What? Who's gone?" Bruce sat up.

"Marinette! She ran outside! Gotham winters can be lethal and she was only wearing a shirt and shorts!" Damien said, his voice goin unnaturally high for him and his eyes were darting around.

"Calm down. We'll find her. I'm assuming she didn't take her phone. I'll call Selina, get the sirens out there too and you can try to reach Jon and Adrien, they could help." Bruce suggested, getting out of bed.

"I'm waking the others." Damien declared, bolting out the room and yelling as he ran through the halls.

The first thing Bruce did was call Selina, they weren't exactly on the best of terms at present time but he also knew that she cared too much about Marinette for any rift between them to matter. "Selina? It's Bruce..."

"At this time? This better not be a booty call Bruce. I'm sure you have other cats to call." A bored slightly annoyed tone came through the phone.

"Selina that isn't -"

"Get to the point Bruce." She snipped.

"Your daughter ran off. I have my suspicions that she had a night terror. She isn't wearing much and we're worried. Would you please assist us in finding her?" Bruce said slowly.

There was a moment of silence on the other line. "We'll be out there as soon as possible." She then hung up.

Bruce sighed and put his phone away and made his way down to the batcave.

It wasn't long before Damien got a call back from Adrien. "She could be anywhere. She has done this in Paris before and we found her on the way to the city over. If you do find her be very careful. She might lash out and try to attack." Adrien explained carefully.

"Do you know why this happened?" Damien frowned.

"PTSD. From not only Hawkmoth but could be her time on the street. She hasn't told us much but she's been through some proper hell... sometimes she'll wake up from a nightmare still living in the nightmare. Then she tries to run to escape... well, everything..." Adrien spoke sadly.

Damien sucked in a breath. "When can you guys get here to help find her?"

"Already on the way."

"Good." Damien hung up and got on the R-cycle.

Three hours had passed and no one had seen her.

Selina was screaming at Bruce, Adrien was yelling at Tim, Dick was making cat noises, Jason was getting rid of any thugs that would hinder their progress, Jon was pacing nervously, Steph and Cass hadn't stopped looking and Barbara was scowering the security cameras.

Damien was silent with worry. "Kent, with me."

Jon blinked and followed Damien, picking him up and going where Damien asked him to go.

Eventually Jon spotted a small sign of movement in the sheet of snow. "Dames, there!"

"We found her." Damien said into his com and everyone went quiet.

"We'll be right there."


It was finally quiet.

She couldn't feel a thing and could barely move.

She was shivering all over.

"Kit keep your eyes open. People are coming for you." Plagg's nasally voice cut through the wails of the wind.

"They won't stop coming... " she murmered. "So many after me..." she curled into herself as small as she could manage.

Her toes felt like they were frozen together and her hair just ice on her head.

Snowflakes turning her eyelashes white and her lips beginning to turn blue without aid of make-up.

She heard a rustle of moving snow above her. She panicked and lashed out, attacking whoever was close by. As relentless as she could be she swiped and hit. There was so much white she couldn't see anything.

"Marinette! It's me!"

She heard, her muscles so cold that her hits were getting slower and weaker.

"Angel" Damien's voice cut through.

"Kitten it's just us." Selina.

"M'lady we're not enemies." Adrien was there too. She relaxed a tiny bit. They were all in layers and layers of clothes.

She relented her hold on Adrien's neck that she didn't realise. Then she fell to her knees.

Marinette wept... sobbed.

She could barely breathe.

Warm arms surrounded her. So many warm bodies. She felt herself being lifted from the ground and a blanket was placed around her shoulders. The voices were fading.

She couldn't stay awake. "I love you..." she murmered, to anyone who was listening.

"You'll be okay angel. We'll get you warm." Damien said softly.

She is okay.

Bee a while hehe.
Also not proofread sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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