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    Giselle could not shake the weird feeling that she was being watched ever since her encounter with the Batman. She had hurried inside, locked the deadbolt, and stared into the abyss of the fridge looking for something to eat before giving up.

Her teeth still felt as though they were chattering from the icy rain as she walks into the Gotham Times publishing office the following day with a tight grip on her keys. Giselle loathes dressing nicely for work, let alone walking a half mile in heels. However, there she was, a shining gem in stilettos entering the office right at nine o'clock as word of the Mayor's shocking murder spread like wildfire. It was quickly decided that this new, more shocking news would be published this week instead of her article on the masked vigilante who had saved her.

"Beauchamp!" grunts her boss, Tom Dickinson. He's a plump man with a thing for suspenders and lattes, both of which he has on him at that moment.

"Yes, Mr. Dickinson?" Giselle asks nervously with a flash of a smile. She smooths out her blue blouse and pencil skirt in a desperate attempt to not look like a total mess.

"Have you seen the news coverage on this shit yet? Mayor Don Mitchell Jr. murdered in his own home, this is like a fucking gold mine!" exclaims the chief editor as he takes an aggressive sip of his latte.

"Er— I mean, the man did kind of die, so you know, that's a bit—er, unfortunate—" begins Giselle before watching Mr. Dickinson's beady eyes disappear beneath his bushy eyebrows in an expression of dissatisfaction.

"But, I agree, this story is uh, great for business! I'll get right to work on the article!" she adds nervously as she bats her eyelashes at the man, something that always does the trick.

He grunts in approval and Giselle is off to her desk right by the window, overlooking all of Gotham City. The rain had fortunately let up, but clouds still thickly covered the skies.

Writing a piece on the murder of a huge political figure is a daunting task, and it takes at least two cups of coffee before Giselle begins to get somewhere.

As hours go by, Giselle thinks back to the shocking events that occurred the night before. It's nearly time for her to leave when her laptop chimes alerting her to a new email from none other than Lieutenant Gordon of GCPD.

Giselle's eyes widen as she clicks on the email to find picture after picture of the late Mayor walking at night with a very young, risqué looking woman.

"That's certainly not his wife," murmurs Giselle under her breath as she glances through the photos. She instantly recognizes that the couple is exiting the Iceberg Lounge where Ashley works. In the background of the photos she makes out a familiar looking man she had seen at the club once or twice before.

"Hey, Chief!" she calls out from her desk. She is one of the few still left at the office, and this is too big of a break for her to care. A raise could finally help Giselle pay her bills without worry.

"What the hell is it, Beauchamp?"

"You're going to want to see this," she urges, standing up from her desk so the man can take a look. He's quiet for a moment as he scrolls through the images before letting out a chuckle.

"I'll be damned, this Mayor is making our jobs too easy," he wheezes before running a hand through his salt and pepper hair.

"Sir, my roommate works at that club. I could get in tonight and see if I can figure out who the girl is. We could be the first source to name her,"

"Brilliant, kid, get going," he sighs happily. "Don't worry about finishing the murder article. Let's get this on the front pages for tomorrow morning, alright sweetheart?"

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