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     Giselle was the type of girl to bite off more than she could chew. Only half of the times would it actually bite her in the ass. As it turns out, this was exactly one of those times. Selina's friend Annika was in serious trouble. The late Mayor had taken her passport, and it was now locked up in his mansion that was currently under police investigation.The whole situation sobered Giselle up very quickly.

Selina insists that she has a plan to get them out of town. The two girls hop in a cab and shortly arrive at the apartment she shares with Annika. Giselle can't help but feel anxious as she steps inside to meet a crying Annika. Their apartment isn't much nicer than her own, and it looks as though Annika has started packing. The television is on and the news is running an article on Annika, looking to identify her. Giselle immediately spots at least three cats wandering around. One affectionately nudges against her leg.

"Shhh, it's okay, we're going to get out of here, baby," Selina tells her soothingly, resting a hand on her shoulder. "This is Giselle, she's here to help us,"

"Just tells me what you need," Giselle agrees.

Annika sniffles a hello. She's a pretty girl but there's a hideous purple bruise on her cheekbone.

"I'll go to the Mayor's house and steal back Annika's passport," Selina declares as she heads into her bedroom. "You two wait here,"

"How the hell is she going to do that?" wonders Giselle.

"Selina is good at these things," sniffles Annika as she continues watching the news.

"I have to ask, Annika, are you okay?" whispers Giselle as she sits down at the table beside her.

Annika shakes her head and begins to cry more. Giselle rubs her back gently.

"Whatever you do, you must stay away from that club, Giselle," warns Annika.

"What, why?"

"Very bad men. I messed up, I got involved," she cries as the TV flashes her image once more.

"It's okay, Selina's going to get you out of here,"

"No, you don't understand—" her body begins to shake with sobs.

"Do you want something to drink?" asks Giselle desperately, looking for ways to comfort the foreign girl. "Some water?"

Annika nods as Giselle begins hunting around their messy apartment for the cupboard. At last in the other room, Giselle reaches for a glass on the shelf.

There's a sudden bang at the door, and Giselle drops to glass, which shatters on the floor. She peeks around the corner only to watch the door fly open at the seams. Annika ducks underneath the kitchen table in fear. Giselle hurries back into the side-room as she watches a handful of men storm inside, praying none of them saw her.

"That's her!" barks one of the men and there's a loud clattering noise as the dining table is thrown across the room. Annika screams, yet its quickly muffled.

"Check the apartment," orders a deep voice.

Giselle looks around for something to use as protection. The only thing around is a bag of cat litter and shattered glass. She quietly grabs the sharpest piece as footsteps approach.

A man armed with a nasty looking gun has it now pointed directly at her. His eyes skim over Giselle for a moment, as if deciding what to do with her.

"There's another one here!" he finally calls out before grabbing onto her arm. Giselle grasps the glass shard tight in her hand, despite it splitting open her palm.

"What's your name?" growls the man who is clearly in charge. His nose is clearly broken and a grotesque shade of purple. Giselle contemplates lying before deciding it best to be honest. Her eyes meet Annika's who is crying uncontrollably behind the hand of the large man holding her.

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