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The next morning, Giselle is surprised to find Bruce beside her when she rolls over in his bed.
He's sound asleep, his lips slightly parted as he breaths softly. He has an arm hastily thrown over her waist.

Giselle feels giddy waking up next to Bruce, especially after the previous night's unexpected events. She carefully moves to grab her phone from the nightstand, clicking it on to see numerous texts from Ashley. The first of them is a link to a news article that makes Giselle's eyes widen.


Beneath the title are photos of none other than Giselle speaking with Bruce in the lobby of the City Hall. As she scrolls, she sees photos of her getting out of Bruce's car when they visited Alfred the night before.

"Shit," she mutters in shock as she begins to read the short article.

'All eyes have been on billionaire Bruce Wayne lately after his recent string of uncommon public appearances. Wayne was spotted both at the funeral for the late mayor, as well as visiting the hospital last night. On both occasions, it looks as though Mr. Wayne was accompanied by a blonde bombshell whose identity remains anonymous at this time. It is unknown whether the two are romantically involved, and no comment has been made by Wayne Enterprises. Our thoughts and prayers are with those injured in the bombing at Wayne Tower,'

Giselle switches tabs to see if there is anymore news, and suddenly finds herself standing in the same shoes as Annika.

"What is it?" Bruce's hoarse morning voice asks.

Giselle glances to see him studying her worriedly, stifling a yawn. His dark hair slightly messy and a piece has fallen in front of his eye. She says nothing and hands the phone to Bruce, who hastily skims over the article.

"Fuck," he murmurs, handing her the phone back as he slides up in bed. Giselle can't help but let her gaze linger on his muscular chest. Bruce grabs his own phone and steps into the bathroom to make a phone call. Giselle can just barely hear what he's saying as she shoots a vague text back to Ashley.

Moments later, Bruce returns and sits down beside her on the other side of the bed. "My attorney is going to make it disappear, don't worry,"

"What do I tell people—?" begins Giselle, turning her body towards him.

"Nothing," he answers simply. "The press is just desperate for something to write about,"

"You're telling me," she sighs before shuffling her body closer towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"It's kinda exciting though, isn't it?" she adds mischievously, her eyes snapping to his grey ones before planting a kiss onto his sharp jawline. "A secret romance with the Bruce Wayne,"

He scoffs and rolls his eyes before placing a large hand on the small of her back as Giselle teasingly places her lips on his. Bruce kisses her back eagerly before making himself pull away from her sugary sweet kiss.

"As much as I'd love to repeat last night..." Bruce begins with the ghost a smirk on his lips. "We've got things to do. I need answers,"

Giselle bites her lip to hold back a smile as he wordlessly gets up and slips a simple black t-shirt over his muscular back.

A little while later, the two are digging through his father's old dusty office. Drawers upon drawers of file folders are being skimmed through by Giselle before she hands them to Bruce. Her eyes are urgently searching for any files saying Renewal Fund.

After compiling all that they could on the matter, the two are seated in the Bat Cave, rifling through faded documents. Just as Giselle becomes deeply engrossed in her reading material, Bruce calls from across the room.

MOONLIGHT ↠ B. WAYNEKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat