Chapter 9 - The Brownies

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"We made brownies." I plopped down the largest tupperware container known to mankind on the lunch table. Everyone stared at me and Jason like we were wearing three heads.

"Um, why?" Donna asked. She looked at the container and us like we must have lost our minds. Dick tore open the lid and started devouring the baked treats, Tim stared at him in disgust.

"Well, yesterday when Jason came over I offered him brownies but I forgot that me and Farah had eaten them all the other day. So we made some more, but we made way too much." I explained exasperatedly. I sat down next to my best friend who was happily munching away at the brownies while her man was basically inhaling them. Jason sat down across from me, next to Barbra who was also enjoying a brownie.

"Ooou, why did Jason go to your house yesterday?" Dick teased with his mouth full of food. I rolled my eyes at what he was implying.

"He dropped me off after work. Some guy at my job was being weird so he drove me home."

"Oliver?" Farah asked. I nodded and she patted my hand sympathetically. "I thought you switched shifts to avoid him?"

"I did. But he was working the shift right after me and he saw me leaving. He didn't do anything creepy, but I'm one hundred percent sure it's because Jason was with me."

"He was fucking creepy. He asked Imani what school she went to. He's a grown ass man asking a teenager where she goes to school. He's fucking demented." Jason says angrily. Dick paused his eating and swallowed hard while looking at me.

"Do we gotta do something about him for you Imani?" He asked. Jason, Tim and Dick all wore hard expressions on their faces, as if they could actually do something about Oliver. I shot a quick look of confusion at Farah who gave me one too.

"No it's alright. I don't want you guys getting into trouble because of me." I say. "I appreciate it though. If he somehow switched shifts to try and work with me, I'll probably just quit." I shrug.

"It's fucked that you'd have to quit to avoid a weirdo at work though. I wish your boss would do something about him." Farah sighs. I nod my head in understanding. It's annoying but what else can I do? I reported him more than once.

"Maybe we should switch the topic to brighter things and not the creep who I'm forced to work with."

"We can talk about what we're doing tonight." Barbra mentions.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"It's Friday night. We can't just stay in. I say we go clubbing." She shoots me a devious grin. I stiffen in fear. Clubbing? We're underage! I can't go clubbing!

"You're going to give Imani a heart attack if you keep joking like that Babs." Dick says with his mouth full again.

"Why me?! Other people might be worried about clubbing too!"

"Cause you're too much of a goody two shoes to ever try and sneak into a club with us." Dick laughs as he scarfs down more of the brownies. I scowl at him and snatch away my container. He whines and tries to grab at it again but I smack his hand away.

"No brownies for dick heads." I stick my tongue out at him and he does it back to me. Jason chuckles and shakes his head.

"Well I don't want to go to a club either. It's just not fun anymore." Donna says. I grin at her and give her a brownie. Dick pouts. "Plus I can't do two parties in two weeks. First clubbing then Conner's halloween party next week? It's too much. How about rollerblading?"

"What are we, twelve?" Tim snorts. Donna rolls her eyes at his comment.

"Should we go to the movies?" Farah offers.

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