Chapter 17 - The Halloween Party (Part 1)

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As soon as we stepped out of the car, the lights were on us. Flashing from every direction. People were screaming the boy's names and asking questions while we strutted inside.

"Dick! What are you wearing?!" Dick was wearing a Devil costume, to go with Farah's angel costume. I guess they didn't go with their original ideas. Dick ignored the paps but Farah was loving it. She was waving so enthusiastically at them.

"Tim! Tim! Look over here!" Tim was in a nerd costume. Literally just him in a white button down and fake glasses. He also slicked his hair back. But no matter how nerdy he tried to look he was still stupid handsome.

"Damian! Any comment on the guy you punched last week?!"

"Yeah!" Damian yelled back, "He had that shit coming." Damian was wearing a vampire costume. The crowd burst into laughter before more yelling came hurling towards us.

"Barbra! On your right Barbra!" She gave the cameras a small little wave before following everyone else towards the door. She was dressed as a baby deer. She looked so cute.

"Jason! Jason! Who's the girl?!"

"Jason! Let us see the girl!" Jason ignored them and wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we headed inside. I had on my mask, which helped me to feel more anonymous, but I was still freaking out. I had gotten used to the stares I received while inside Gotham Academy now that I'm friends with The Crew. But paparazzi was a whole different beast.

"Relax Bunny," Jason whispered in my ear. "It'll be okay." My heart was pounding in my chest. I wasn't sure if it was the paparazzi and all the attention, or Jason's proximity to me. His closeness brought back memories of the kiss that rocked my world last week. I tried to forget about it, I really did, but it was always there in the corner of my mind. For a second it looked like Jason's mind went back to that moment too. His eyes flitted down to my lips and I swore he moved a little closer. Unfortunately the moment was cut short by Dick calling us over.

We stalked past everyone else who was waiting in line to get in. Dick spoke to the bouncer who let us in immediately. The amount of sway these guys have is incredible. I saw Finn Wolfhart waiting in line, but we just walked in?

The party was already loud and in full swing when we got inside. It was a whole different vibe to Brandon's house party last week. Conners place was huge, it was the epitome of sleek modern mansion. The Crew ushered inside and the party goers seemed to part for us like we were Moses and they were the red sea. I guess even in a room of influential people they were still the top dogs.

We walked down some stairs and into an area that was cordoned off. Must be VIP. Dick didn't even say anything to this bouncer, he just walked right in. This area was a little less crowded but still pretty full. I was extra nervous now, all around me were rich kids. I recognized a lot of these faces.

"So many famous people, Jason." I whispered. He looked down at me and shrugged.


"So?! I don't think I belong here." I wrung my hands together nervously and flitted my eyes across the room. "These people have shoes more expensive than my house."

Jason paused for a split second, then looked down at me with a serious expression. "Are you with me?" He asked. I nodded slowly, nervous about why he got all intense so fast. "Then you belong here."

My heart soared. I like him so much it hurt. It was impossible for me to stop the heat rushing to my face or the grin my mouth formed. He smiled softly back at me.

"You guys made it!" a voice came from behind. We all turned to see Conner rushing towards us with a big goofy smile on his face. Conner was dressed as greaser, from the movie Grease. He looked adorable in his black leather jacket and slicked back hair. He crushed everyone in a hug. Well, almost everyone, when he tried to hug Damian he shot him a look so deadly it even made me step away from the kid.

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