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I Need Allies

I had formed my plan with a surgeon's precision.

It was risky, but what did I have to lose? I mean, my first mate tried to kill me and my second chance mate is dead.


My wolf whined his name with pain and longing in her voice. I felt the same. It was odd really, we had known Damien was our second chance mate for all of about 10 minutes, yet his loss was hitting us harder than Blake's rejection ever had.

The thought of Damien's death brought anger bubbling back to the surface, and my thoughts turned back to my plan.

Every werewolf knew which were the biggest packs and biggest territories in the country. It was basic knowledge, you were taught it in school. You were also taught, however, where the rouge packs were based, so that you knew to keep away from them. Rouges were known to be dangerous and unpredictable.

I was using my knowledge of the rouge packs now.

I knew that in the area surrounding Blake's massive territory, there were two huge, and very powerful rogue packs, and the two rogue Alpha's happened to be brothers. If one got into a fight, the other helped out. This is what i was counting on.

Currently, i was on route to the nearest of the two rouge packs. My plan was to talk to one of the Alpha's and get them to fight him with me, as i knew they both hated Blake and wanted his territory to share between themselves. And all i had to do was convince one, if one decided to fight, so would the other.

It wasn't long until the scent hit my nose. It was a smell like no other i had smelt coming from a territory before. It was the scent off many different wolves, but the scent wasn't mingled as it would have been if it was a proper pack, it was just lots of separate scents coming from one place.

And it wasn't long until i was picked up by a patrol. I didn't even have to ask to speak to their Alpha, they just took me there straight away.

I was stood in front of some kind of make-shift tent, and awaited their Alpha to grant me entrance. Their was a shout from inside the tent, and i was pushed through the flaps and inside, my escorts quickly departing.

I had to admit, he was handsome. He had a slight tan, and thick black eyebrows with messy but somehow still neat black hair. He wore a blue denim jacket and black jeans that were slightly ripped, along with muddy black army boots.

His voice was deep and husky.
"What do you want?" He was blunt and straight to the point, but i detected a slight threat in his tone.

I kept my voice confident and clear.
"I want to ask you a favour."


"You haven't heard it yet." I said, a bit miffed.

"I don't care, I don't go out of my way to help little girls."

"It would benefit you too."

He sighed and looked away, clearly bored, so i quickly continued to recapture his attention.

"I know how much both you and your brother hate Alpha Blake Scarhill, and what if i was to say if you helped me, you could have his territory, to share with your brother, of course."

"I'm listening." He replied slowly.

"If you and your brother gather your packs and help me fight, and kill, Blake, you can have whatever you please from his territory and his wolves."

"Why do you want him dead?"
He questioned. Now it was my turn to look away.

"With his death comes my freedom." I answered shortly.

"Your his mate, aren't you?"

"Of course not!"

"It's not good to lie to the person you are going to be working with."

"So your in, then?" I was impossibly relieved.

"Sure, why not." He replied with a crooked smile. "I'm Alpha Cole, by the way, and my brother is Alpha Sam."

I grasped his hand in a handshake to seal the deal, "And i am Alice."

I left his tent victorious. Both packs had over 250 wolves in. Over 500 wolves would be fighting for me. Blake wouldn't know what hit him.

I would get my revenge.

A/N: Hi guys! Well this chapter 19! Sorry if it seems a bit rushed, but i bet you weren't expecting that to be Alice's plan. A couple of new Alpha's thrown into the picture too! Let me know what you guys think! So anyway until next chapter,

Bye guys'


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