Chapter 3

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Victor just hoped they could find the kid soon.

- - -

The group was thrust into another scene, one with Billy laying in bed looking worse for wear. He was laying in a small bed in a bedroom, toys and trinkets scattered about the floor. 

The kid was sweating bullets, wheezing with every breath as he tried to sleep. A cold rag was set on his head, dampening his black locks as the boy hugged a plush tiger tightly. 

His mother sat beside him in a chair, rubbing his arm in a comforting way.

"He's got a fever," Batman said, crouching down next to the boy to look him over.

"The bedroom door opened, every head in the small room glancing towards it. "How is he?" C.C. asked, poking his head in and looking at the boy with worried eyes. Billy's mother shook her head, turning her attention back to the boy.

"Not good. He's burning up and hasn't moved all day other than turn over in bed," she said, biting a nail as she leaned back in her chair. 

"C.C., he can't travel like this," she said, looking up at the man.

The man sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Maybe we can postpone the trip," he said, glancing down at his son. "I'd hate to leave him with a nanny like this."

"You and I both know how fickle Kandaq is. If we try to postpone this dig they may not ever let us back in the country."

"Marilyn, the boy is bedridden."

"I know... that's why I'm going to stay with him. You and Mary can go to Kandaq and still-"

C.C. tensed. "Marilyn, no. You're not going to stay here. This is just as much your life's work as it is mine." he said, putting his hands on his hips. 

The large man glanced down at Billy before kneeling beside the kid and putting his hand against his heated skin.

"That's pretty bad..." he muttered, glancing at his wife. She was thinking if the calculating look was anything to go by, as she stared at her son. "What are you thinking, dear?"

"My brother- Ebenezer. Maybe he could watch him while we're gone. We can cut the trip down to a week rather than two, and make it up to him when we get back."

C.C. grimaced at the mention of Marilyn's brother. "That man is a snake," he grumbled, shaking his head at the thought. The brunette gave him a look and he sighed. "I don't trust him with Billy, Marilyn."

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