Chapter 19

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Victor smiled softly. Maybe Billy really could take whatever this place had to throw at him.

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Billy drew in a shaky breath before letting it out as another image appeared before him. The group watched closely as the Champion appeared on the screen, looking slightly different than the first time they had seen him. 

He still looked Greek, with the dark red leather pteryges and flowing white cape, but his eyes were a sharp and piercing green, rather than a blue or brown. His skin was also tanner, his facial features more defined.

He was floating a few inches above the ground, looking around with a slightly furrowed brow. Foliage surrounded him, lining the cobblestone just beneath his feet.

 In his hand, he held a familiar golden circle of rope, looking very much like the warrior of legend he was supposed to be.

Except for the fact that he looked lost.

"Seize him!" a voice rang out, making the Champion's eyes widen as he looked around. Diana took a step forward at the sound. 

The demigod put his hands up in surrender as warrior women dressed in armor and wielding glinting spears and shields.

"Antiope?" Diana said softly, watching as her aunt came out of the brush with her spear pointed in the raven's face.

The Champion swallowed thickly. "Antiope. Wonderful to see you again," he said, with a small smile. The blonde-haired woman's lip curled up in disgust.


"Where's your lovely sister? Her majesty's expecting me," he said, glancing around the group. "And look, I'm not even touching the ground. I do follow some laws, Antiope," he continued with a smirk. 

It was strange to see someone bearing Captain Marvel's costume act so confident and...well, like Hal.

The Amazonian general straightened her spear with a sigh. "This way..." she muttered. The blonde made a motion with her hand and the spears surrounding the Champion straightened. He smiled, floating after her.

"You know you don't have to call me Champion. I do have a name," he said, glancing back at the warriors that retreated back into the brush before turning his gaze back on the general as she led him through the foliage.

"I care not to know it."

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