Chapter 18

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The others nodded slowly, turning to look at the scene that developed around them.

- - -

Much to their surprise, Billy appeared just behind Batman, sitting up with a hand to his head. A scene didn't appear around them though- the dark void they were trapped in stayed dark. Billy winced and stood, looking around. "Where am I...?" he mumbled, turning around and looking right through the group.

"Looks like he still can't see us..."

"I don't think he's actually here...where here is. I think this is another memory," Cyborg said, watching the kid as he looked right through them.

"Okay, note to self, don't ask Shazam to give you answers..." he said, using one of his fingers to pick at his teeth. He whirled his wrist around smoothly, a soft light appearing in his hand. "Whelp. I'm in a void," he said as if this was something that happened to him regularly.

Maybe it was.

Anger suddenly surged through Cyborg's mind again, the group's surroundings flashing in red, lightning-like streaks. Billy winced, the light in his hand suddenly going out as his hands went to his head. He crumpled to his knees, grunting in pain and shutting his eyes tightly.

After a moment the rage faded, leaving the kid breathing heavily.

"You guys felt that too, right?" Hal asked, looking around with wide eyes.

"Rage," Superman said slowly. "Unbridled rage."

"W-wha-" Billy was trembling on what stood for a floor in this place, his arms shaking as he glanced up. an image appeared in front of all of them-- a first-person view of the Greek town they'd been in before.

"No..." Billy said, getting up onto his feet and furrowing his brow. The cobblestone streets were broken and cracked, stall roofs were ripped or shredded, shards of metal and splinters of wood littered the ground. Small fires crackled around whoever's eyes they were looking for...and a body lay in the road.

"What- what is this-" Another flare of anger surged through both Billy and the group.

The 12-year-old gripped his head with one hand, shutting his eyes tightly with a small whimper of pain before forcing himself to open his eyes again. Victor could understand why- the anger, the resentment- it was like fire. It swept through his head and left him gasping for air, struggling to stand against it. It was like facing an inferno.

"You're a murderer, Achaeus..." A woman said, trembling and looking directly at whoever was the Champion at this time. Billy gasped as a col chill went down his spine and through his chest, his throat closing up at the woman's words.

"No... No I- I had to do this to-" A voice, likely the Champion's echoed out in the void.

"To protect people?" the woman looked him over before drawing in a shaky breath. "You've killed innocent people. You're no Champion."


The woman turned away, walking between the burning stalls silently. "Mater!" the champion yelled, another surge of anger coursing through the void. "Listen to me!"

Billy gasped. The Champion growled. The rage that passed through the heroes had them crumple to their knees, eyes shut tight against the intense heat surrounding them. Cyborg winced, trying to open his eyes.

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