chapter eight

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chapter eight: a penny for my thoughts (oh no, i'll sell 'em for a dollar)


this is mostly louise and friends centric

i'm not entirely sure how i made guy, dwayne, and louise a trio but like <3

tw(s) - guy n connie broke up (rip), bullying, and kenny and charlie are sus but do i even have to warn you guys now?

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"Please, sit still? I only have to do one more thing."

Dwayne huffs a bit and pouts petulantly but does stop squirming. Louise bids him a gentle smile in reward before ducking back down and sketching the outline for his nose, wishing that she didn't put her hair up so she could hide behind it. When she asked him to sit down with her so she could draw him for her project, he'd been fairly ecstatic, which made her so frazzled that she's still struggling to recover even now (Gee, Lou, these are real nice, he'd said while flipping through her sketchbook with a fond gentleness, you're a real Picasso.) Just thinking about his reaction makes her face feel hot, again, but then she thinks about the fact that he pronounced Picasso "Pee-cah-so" and she's still not sure whether to laugh or correct him.

"Sorry I ain't a good model."

"You're doing fine, Dwayne. It's gonna look great."

The two of them are making the most of their third period free, sitting out on one of the grassy areas outside of the school and soaking up the last dregs of sunlight that mid-October churns out before the winter overcast takes over the sky. This little spot is just far enough from the school to where they aren't being bothered and just close enough to the horse stables that they can see the horses but aren't overwhelmed with the smell. It's her little safe space. A place where she can just be alone with her thoughts (or go on not-actual-dates with Kenny when they're too busy to go out.)

It only made sense for her to drag Dwayne out here. He loves horses just as much as she does.

"Of course, it's gonna look great." He says softly. "You're drawin' it."

She doesn't miss the way the cowboy smiles when her face inevitably flushes. Both of them jump when someone drops their bag and Guy sits down roughly beside them, his entire face frowning alongside his lips as he runs his fingers through his hair. Louise glances at the cowboy sitting across from her before looking at the boy sitting beside her with her head tilted innocently.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm never going to find love again, that's wrong." Guy admits sadly yet dramatically, leaning his chin on his fist.

In the days since the party, Connie confirmed Guy's suspicion that their relationship was over with an "I just don't think that I love you in the same way you love me anymore." (Is love even really love when you're ten years old and don't know any better?) While both halves of the former couple are being entirely respectful about the situation, people around them aren't. Not really. Connie's a very pretty girl- a newly single, very pretty girl- and the boys in their year are noticing.

And Guy has been noticing them notice.

"Aw, shucks, Guy. Don't think like that." Dwayne puts it into better words than she can right now. "There's plenty of chickens in the coop."

the dare (the mighty ducks)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora