chapter twenty-one

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chapter twenty-one: when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while



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screaming. crying. throwing up. hitting my head against the wall. etc.

tw(s) -- gerley is both absolutely adorable and insufferably oblivious.

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Still holding Louise's hand, Guy turns to look at her with a twinkle in his eyes and brings his pointer finger up to his lips before peeking back around the corner; she rolls her eyes at him, albeit fondly, and humors him by keeping quiet. It was simple enough for the two of them, with all she knows about the building and all of their peers being currently distracted by lunch, for the two of them to make it up to the main floor of this building. (Even if she's really bad at sneaking and he keeps whispering a little too loudly.) All they have to do now is get to the parking lot, and then it should be nothing but the two of them and the city at their disposal, the school they've each come to loathe in a cloud of dust behind them.

Which is easier said than done. There's a security guard posted at the front door, just like there is at every door, and without a pass from a teacher (or a good forgery), they're not likely to get past him.

"Are you ready for this?"

Well, she's not entirely sure what 'this' is. There is way too much going on right about now.

To be quite honest, Louise never thought she'd be in this position.

If you took twelve-year-old Louise, sat her down, and told her that, after the absolute insanity of the last few months, she'd be skipping school to hang out with a boy, she'd probably faint. This stuff was always so far removed from her- it was something Mindy did or something out of an episode of Boy Meets World, not something that girls like Louise would even dream of.

Yet here she is, her back pressed up against the wall of a hallway, her eyebrows furrowed as she stares Guy in the eyes...

"That depends- what am I supposed to be ready for?"

He smiles. Damn, that smile. But, he doesn't answer her, or, at least, he doesn't get the chance to because a loud noise clatters in the interjecting hall and his head snaps back to the situation at hand.

"You- stupid kids!" The security guard's almost cartoonish voice cuts through the following silence, accompanied by the sound of a chair scoring out and multiple sets of footsteps.

Two people run past so fast they're almost a blur, but, looking at their clothing, Louise swears that's-

The security guard drifts as he rounds the corner, moving so fast that he fumbles over himself before rushing right past them, too.

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