chapter thirteen

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chapter thirteen: a guide to charming tom riley


julie 🤝 mindy 🤝 luis 🤝 connie (eventually)
louise defense squad

how many toxic people can you fit in a house? many, apparently.

tw(s) -- a good portion of this is in kenny's pov (kenny wtf are you doing), rick and james are being bad brothers, mentions of alcoholism, and a whole lot of all too well (tv) (ten minute version) references.

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Jess Riley's words are Gospel. Whatever she says, goes.

That's how Kenny finds himself in this situation, pacing the floor of his dorm room and running his hands through his hair as he mulls over the thought of how he'll survive a 'meet the family' dinner with less than a day's notice. Julie and Luis stand over by his closet and try their damndest to put together some clothes that would make him look presentable, and Dwayne is sitting on his bed, watching his roommate walk like he's watching a tennis match, with furrowed brows. His stomach is tying itself in painful knots- so painful that he might just throw up over the mere thought of being in a house with nobody but members of the Riley family, and maybe Mindy Sinclair, surrounding him. He feels as though he's a lamb walking blindly into the lion's den, except a lion would probably have more capacity for mercy than Tom and Rick Riley (and Kenny is no innocent little lamb.)

He's nervous. Nervous that any mistake at this dinner could ruin his scholarship, nervous that this could be some crazy Carrie-esque plan to embarrass him, nervous that Rick might've told Louise about what he saw and overheard-

(Which is stupid, because the brunette was hanging off his arm all day like some sort of clingy puppy, reassuring him a hundred times that, if she just told her mother that he came down with some horrible sickness, he didn't have to show up for the dinner.)

(He's regretting not just giving her the okay to do so, now, because he might just show up with vomit on his clothing.)

"God, how could she do this to me?" Kenny groans pitifully, voice high pitched and strained as he tugs at the roots of his hair.

Julie and Luis pause in their hushed whispering over which color button-down he should wear to give each other an odd, fleeting glance.

"I thought you said that the last thing she wanted was for you to meet her family..." The speedster says, hesitant as he folds a shirt over his arm.

"I did, but-"

The blonde interjects. "And didn't she spend half the lunch period trying to convince you not to do this?"

"She did but-"

"Then you have no right to be complaining. You, quite frankly, fucked yourself."

The boy's shoulders deflate. They're right, he did fuck himself. He's really fucked himself now.

"I don't even see why you're so worried." Dwayne hums softly. "Meeting the parents is easy."

"Of course, it's easy for you, Dwayne. You're, like, impossible to hate."

The cowboy flushes but grins proudly at Kenny. He snorts at his roommate and turns to his other friends with a cocked brow, Julie meeting his gaze with a bemused expression.

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