chapter twenty-three

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chapter twenty-three: eight hundred and fifty seven dollars


i really don't feel well as of the time i'm posting this so i hope to christ it makes sense LMAO

tw(s) - lou is a bit of a simp for guy and kenny has the audacityᵀᴹ

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Both Rick and Guy barred Louise from attending the dinner, both of them responding to her inquiry with a solid: "No."

She can't really find it within herself to be upset with the arrangements- while her skin did bristle with indignation at the notion that she was being told what she could and couldn't do like a child- because she didn't exactly want to make an appearance anyway. Of course, there is always something nice about getting dressed up and going out, but the blonde has been feeling a little too morose to be in a dressy mood, and the thought of having to sit amicably at a table with her ex-boyfriend and his asshole friends wasn't one she was exactly fond of. (Though the sight of the dark bruise that now surrounds Kenny's eye has been one that fills her with a sick sort of satisfaction- one that will surely make her feel guilty down the line, but she elects not to think about it now.)

Sitting on her bed in her dorm, she finds herself happy that she didn't go; even if she didn't exactly have a choice in the matter.

The sound of Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill album fills the room as it plays loudly from Ali's brand new cassette player, the door slightly ajar for the whole floor to hear. Louise's light blue eyes strain to focus on the canvas in front of her; the paintbrush clasped tightly between her paint-stained fingers presses softly, hesitantly on the stretched fabric. She hums along to the tune of You Oughta Know, some of the golden yellow paint she's using smeared on her calf from when she tucked her legs underneath each other.

As she mulls over what's missing from the picture, her brows crease together. Or, at least, they try to. The clay face mask she's wearing makes that a little difficult.

Sitting across the room from her, Ali paints her toenails a ruby red color, her face also slathered with the thick grey mixture. She casually interrupts the music to ask the question everybody's been asking themselves this week. "Why'd you try to stop Rick from beating up Kenny?"

Louise sighs. "I don't know..." Why had she tried to stop Rick? "I guess I didn't want Rick to get in trouble because he thought he had a right to my life- again."

She tries her best not to flinch as her best friend scoffs. This piece- and it's in the work's title of 'Icarus'- is going to be a part of her exhibit at the show and she cannot mess it up. Not with the time crunch she's on.

"Your brother get in trouble? Please. Rick 'Solid Teflon' Riley hasn't faced a consequence in his life- not at school, at least."

Ali glances warily after her quick self-correction, and the acerbic words that Louise was going to say don't fall past her lips. There are only a few people who know anything about their childhood: Ali, Scooter, Mindy, and Kenny. (Louise has so many regrets when it comes to that douchebag, and telling him anything about her life is certainly one of them.)

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