Goodbye Tom

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**Katherines POV**
Eddie took me back to the GCPD, after he put the liquid stitches in. I would have driven back myself, but Jim had taken my car back to the station he said he was worried about me. 

When I stepped out of the car, I saw none other than Tom Dougherty standing by the front entrance smoking. I stopped and tried to find a different entrance to the building, I did not want to deal with that jerk after the morning I had. Ed was ahead of me and finally realized I was not with him, he followed my eyes to Tom and looked back motioning me to stand with him. I followed him and walked up the stairs trying to ignore Tom's prying eyes.

"What, no good morning?"

"I'm sorry officer did you say something?" Ed said.

"What did you say to me Riddle Man?"

"Move aside so we can get in."
Tom pushed Ed aggressively, but Ed didn't back down. 

"Listen here freak, if you think that you and Kristen or any woman would willingly be with you, well you must be as crazy as they say."

I stepped closer to the two of them pushing Tom off of Ed.

"Why don't you crawl back into your hole Tom?"

"You little bi-" he tried to slap me but his hand was caught, Eddie was holding him back.

"Leave." Eddie said.

Tom looked at him with wide eyes and ripped his hand away. 

"Whatever Riddle man, you just stay away from Kristen or I will come after you."

I was about to thank Ed, but he turned away and was already walking into the GCPD.

"Ed wait." I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. 

"Thank you." I pulled him into a hug. He was tense and uncomfortable not used to contact like this.

"Yo- you're welcome."

"Ahem" someone cleared their throat beside us. I looked over at Harvey and Jim awkwardly waiting for our hug to end.

"Would you mind moving out of the way? Or is this some kind of chick flick moment.." Harvey sarcastically commented.

"Sorry Jim" I said and stuck my tongue out at Harvey as Eddie pushed me away. He rushed inside and let the door shut behind him, not waiting for me. Jim and Harvey looked at each other and walked around me to get inside as well.

I looked at the door stunned: Ed was so eager to push me away. I shouldn't be surprised though, he's not interested in someone like me, I'm no Kristen Kringle.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. I was pushing myself at him and heck, I didn't even know the guy. 

*Back at the lab* Kat's POV

"Did you take that sample of Viper down to toxicology?"

"Yeah they said it will probably be the end of the day before they get the results, but for now we can do an autopsy on the guy. We might be able to find some new evidence with this guy since he's..."

"He's what?"

"Ya know, fresh."  I couldn't help but laugh at Eddie's term.

"Fresh? Like produce?" I let out a snort and he gave me a dirty look.

Just before he was about to say something his watch alarm went off. 

"Katherine, do you mind if I step out to look for some files on previous cases similar to this?"

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