The Joke

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Kat's POV

After me and Ed had finished examining Jerome's dead mother, we realized something very interesting about her injuries.

"So what you're saying is the axe wounds were created after she was already dead?" Jim gave me and Ed an uneasy look.

"Yes detective, it seems that this was a setup." Ed looked over at me proud of our work.

"Okay well Harvey and I were going to catch up with Jerome's father and see what he thinks. He may be our prime suspect, you could come along with us if you'd like Kat."

"As long as you don't mind Jim and if Ed doesn't need anymore help in the lab."

"Not really I was just going to finish some paperwork."
Edward's POV back at the lab.

After Kat left I figured I would take a look at some of the extensive paperwork I had sitting on my desk and try to return files to Kristen as well.

I picked up the label Kat had in her hands and wondered if Kristen knew this was missing...

As I walked to Kristen's office, I thought of how she had accepted my offer to go on a date. I had our evening already planned. It would be perfect.

See I told you it was a good idea to get rid of Tom... but I still think you should be with Kat not that stupid Kristen.

Just shut up.

I Ignored the voice and proceeded into Kristen's office.


"Over here Edward."

She was trying to put a file away in the back of the room. She was struggling because it was on the top shelf and she wasn't tall enough. It was an opportune moment for me. I walked over and pulled the file from her hand and put it where it belonged. She looked up.

"Thank you Ed....uh is there anything you needed?"

I stopped staring at her and moved so she could step away.

"Yes, I was wondering if you were missing this file?"

I handed it to her.

"Hmm the Dollmaker, sounds creepy, let me check the sign out sheet."

I tried not to gaze at her as she walked towards her desk.

"Oh yeah I do remember.....Harvey had been looking for this."

"Really well I will make sure he gets it back. Thank you Kristen."

"You're welcome Ed, see you tonight....six still right?"


As I made my way out I faintly heard someone calling my name, I turned around to see Kat looking frantic.

"Ed, it was the kid...Jerome he did it. He killed his mom they have him in questioning right now. Jim wants me to sit in again."

"I knew it. From what you told me, he seemed like he had mom issues."

There was an awkward silence between us.

"I hope your date goes well tonight Ed. I probably won't see you later because you said you were leaving early."

"Oh yes, Thank you Katherine....I'm glad you solved this case."

She looked up at me, her eyes looking ready to burst with tears.

"Kat I-"

"Goodnight Ed."

She walked away leaving me speechless. I finally had gotten Kristen's attention but deep down I wanted her......

I told you Edward you picked the wrong girl.


**Kat's POV After Jerome interrogation**

"That kid is one fry short of a happy meal."

"That's a real nice thing to say Harvey."

I looked over at Jim who seemed to be tired and ready to punch out either Harvey or me.

"Jim I think you need to go home, when was the last time you actually slept?"

He broke out of his daze and looked over to me.

"Yeah I think I will head home, after this whole saga. I still can't believe he killed his mom."

"I can, he definitely seemed a little different the first time I talked to him,  he acted like he was holding back some kind of punchline to a joke....he creeped me out."

"Well after that nice conversation I think I'm heading out too, see you folks tomorrow."

Harvey left leaving me and a exhausted looking Jim.

"Yeah me too Jim, and please get some rest....."

I gave him a hug and grabbed my stuff. I looked at my watch and realized it was 9:30 which is not the best time to be walking by myself......even by a police station.

I made my way to the far side of the GCPD parking lot digging for my keys in purse.

"Where in the heck did I put those."

I then remembered I left them on my desk and made my way back to the station. Then I heard movement behind me, I looked and saw an elderly man following behind. I thought nothing of it and proceeded. Just as I was about three feet away I felt a tug on my arm and turned around.

"Are you ok-"

I was pulled towards him and before I could process anything a cloth was pushed to my mouth.

"You'll be perfect....."

***Hey guys sorry I haven't updated its been busy but the good news is I will be updated more frequently!! Hopefully you guys liked this chapter and if you did Comment and vote below to earn the update! Please if you would check out my new story called Victory as well!! See you guys in the next chapter**

Too LateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora